Yamaha RX-V6A/TSR-700 views?



Junior Audioholic
Pickings are getting very slim to none! Unless you wanta spend upwards of 2k or more plenty of those that the rich and famous buy all the time. Them new Yamaha AVR's are going as fast as they get them in. Denon and Marantz are getting to be slim pickings also. It just really came down for me as I didn't want to spend close to 1k on a AVR I've spent soooo much on AVR's in the past 10 years I could've got a nice use car or truck. Just wanted a Modest set up that's good enough not trying to chase the last one percent anymore.
I switched out to the Sony STR-DN1080 and picked up two up firing atmos speakers this evening. So I now have a 5.1.2 setup. Got it setup and did some testing HDR and Dolby Vision pass through. Damn would you look at that. Picture perfect, no banding at all. What ever compatibility issues Yamaha claim that Apple TV and 2020 model TVs is 100% on them, not Apple or TV manufactures. I honestly think they rushed the new receivers out cash in on the next gen consoles with HDMI 2.1 features. Features they have no plans until sometime next year to activate.

Sound wise, the Sony is really good. Still trying to figure it out everything on it. Looks like people recommend to keep the receiver on A.F.D.and let the receiver decode the sound as it was originally intended. I started up Greyhound on Apple TV which runs in atmos and holy hell. You can hear everything, including the water drops from rain/water spray which I mistook for static at first. Yamaha didn’t do that, of course it may be atmos doing it. This is my first atmos setup. The receiver is supposed to simulate sound behind you with virtual speakers and I’ll be damned, it actually works. I honestly wasn’t excepting that, I figured it was BS marketing. Positioning of sound seems to be pretty accurate in location.

The GUI is pretty clean and easy to navigate. I have only explored a little of it, but it looks to be packed full of features.

My only complaint so far is that my up firing atmos speakers (and only them) have a slight high pitched whine noise when idle/nothing coming through them. I’ll recheck my cabling tomorrow and then browse through the settings and see if I can fix it. The atmos speakers are 6 ohms, but all my others are 8 ohms. I don’t think that would do it would it since I have them on a separate channel? Receiver is 6 ohms.

Overall, I am very happy with my choice of switching out the Yamaha to the Sony. Even if I did spend a little more than I wanted to.
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Junior Audioholic
So yeah, I think I need to replace some speaker wires. I took off and reconnected the wires and it seems to nearly eliminated the high pitched idle speaker sound. You have to stand still, put your ear on the speaker and hold your breath to hear it. I guess it’s a good time to upgrade to 14 or 12 gauge wire. The majority of the wire is 12 year old 16 gauge.


Hi Guys,

Looking for some last minute advice on the v6a. I pre-ordered on months ago and it just finally arrived here in Canada but having seen all the recent developments I'm leaning towards getting my money back.

The problem is, our old Onkyo died like 4 or 5 months ago and I can't do TV speakers anymore. This receiver is at the top of our budget range so I'm not sure if there are any better options available but here are my concerns;

1. The prce, why is Yamaha selling these for $399 at Costco in the states? It makes anyone else who buys the v6a a chump. I paid $850 CAD for mine and knowing that these are being sold for the equivalent of about $500 really annoys me. Either these are not the exact same receivers (cheaper components etc) or Yamha knows they have a problem and is trying to blow them out as fast as possible. Why else would they de-value their products like that?

2. HDMI 2.1 fiasco, I pre-ordered one of these for the HDMI 2.1 I do a lot of PC gaming on my TV and 4K 120 is an important thing for me in the future. I don't buy new receivers every couple years so I wanted something I could comfortably use for at least 5 years.

3. Sound quality, I was expecting these to be quite good but that review over on ASR really dashed my hopes. I'm a bit of a budget audiophile and if it's that bad then Im not sure I want it.

I've been talking with a guy over at Yamaha over the past few weeks and when I pointed out these issues he got defensive and then stopped responding.

Should I take my money and run? If so, are there better options at this price point ($859 cad?)
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Audioholic Jedi
Hi Guys,

Looking for some last minute advice on the v6a. I pre-ordered on months ago and it just finally arrived here in Canada but having seen all the recent developments I'm leaning towards getting my money back.

The problem is, our old Onkyo died like 4 or 5 months ago and I can't do TV speakers anymore. This receiver is at the top of our budget range so I'm not sure if there are any better options available but here are my concerns;

1. The prce, why is Yamaha selling these for $399 at Costco in the states? It makes anyone else who buys the v6a a chump. I paid $850 CAD for mine and knowing that these are being sold for the equivalent of about $500 really annoys me. Either these are not the exact same receivers (cheaper components etc) or Yamha knows they have a problem and is trying to blow them out as fast as possible. Why else would they de-value their products like that?

2. HDMI 2.1 fiasco, I pre-ordered one of these for the HDMI 2.1 I do a lot of PC gaming on my TV and 4K 120 is an important thing for me in the future. I don't buy new receivers every couple years so I wanted something I could comfortably use for at least 5 years.

3. Sound quality, I was expecting these to be quite good but that review over on ASR really dashed my hopes. I'm a bit of a budget audiophile and if it's that bad then Im not sure I want it.

I've been talking with a guy over at Yamaha over the past few weeks and when I pointed out these issues he got all butt hurt and defensive and then stopped responding. Not a great sign.

Should I take my money and run? If so, are there better options at this price point ($859 cad?)
@Gmoney didn't have the issues that some people had with the HDMI 2.1.

It depends on the HDMI-components you have. It comes down to the same-ole HDMI compatibility issue that has be around for a while. So it's not just HDMI 2.1. I've heard people with HDMI 2.0 having the same issues with some HDMI-components.

I would install your V6 and see if it has any issues with your HDMI-components. If everything looks awesome, then you're okay.


@Gmoney didn't have the issues that some people had with the HDMI 2.1.

It depends on the HDMI-components you have. It comes down to the same-ole HDMI compatibility issue that has be around for a while. So it's not just HDMI 2.1. I've heard people with HDMI 2.0 having the same issues with some HDMI-components.

I would install your V6 and see if it has any issues with your HDMI-components. If everything looks awesome, then you're okay.
Hi AcuDefTechGuy, thanks for the reply.

Fromy my understanding the issue with these Panasonic HDMI 2.1 chipsets is that they can only accept a compressed signal. All current and upcoming HDMI 2.1 source devices only output a uncompressed signal which the AVR's can't recognize or process. It's not clear if the source devices will be able to adapt to output a compressed signal or if these receivers will simply never be able to receive a full fat HDMI 2.1. Basically they are glorified HDMI 2.0b.

I could almost live with that if the V6A didn't get slammed so badly on ASR. Also the TSR-700 thing, makes me feel really dirty paying full price for the V6A if Yamaha is selling the same thing for hundreds of dollars less, it just doesn't make sense.


Audioholic Jedi
Hi AcuDefTechGuy, thanks for the reply.

Fromy my understanding the issue with these Panasonic HDMI 2.1 chipsets is that they can only accept a compressed signal. All current and upcoming HDMI 2.1 source devices only output a uncompressed signal which the AVR's can't recognize or process. It's not clear if the source devices will be able to adapt to output a compressed signal or if these receivers will simply never be able to receive a full faty HDMI 2.1 Basicially they are glorified HDMI 2.0b.

I could almost live with that if the V6A didn't get slammed so badly on ASR. Also the TSR-700 thing, makes me feel really dirty paying full price for the V6A if Yamaha is selling the same thing for hundreds of dollars less, it just doesn't make sense.
Why care about ASR at all? :D

Ask yourself this question: Why did all of the audio magazines and publications (Stereophile, S&V, Soundstage, AH, etc.) STOP doing these distortion and noise measurements for AVR/AVP?

Aside from manpower and money, all these numbers are completely inaudible, especially when you factor in the fact that many people use FANS for their hot AVRs which add NOISE, and then add in Air Conditioner Noise and Heater Noise, add in other house Noises, and then add in 80-90dB+ sound from 7-9 speakers or more.

None of those THD/SINAD numbers you see on ASR will be audible.

So why even care what they say on ASR?

But so what if THD is 0.0275% at 2V? That has been the usual THD for AVRs in the $500-750 range measured on S&V for the longest time. So why is it now all of the sudden critical? It was nothing bad 2 years ago on S&V magazine. But now it's critical? :D


Audioholic Ninja
@1.0 THD don't believe anyone could hear that. Plus, is that dude over at ASR even a Audio engineer? I hope Gene gets a chance to run test on the RX V6A. Gene is the Real Deal. Only than I would believe the TSR 700 or the RX V6A would be crap if Gene said so. I would bet there isn't anyone on AH that could Honestly say they could tell THD at 1.0 over THD 0.006.
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Why care about ASR at all? :D

Ask yourself this question: Why did all of the audio magazines and publications (Stereophile, S&V, Soundstage, AH, etc.) STOP doing these distortion and noise measurements for AVR/AVP?

Aside from manpower and money, all these numbers are completely inaudible, especially when you factor in the fact that many people use FANS for their hot AVRs which add NOISE, and then add in Air Conditioner Noise and Heater Noise, add in other house Noises, and then add in 80-90dB+ sound from 7-9 speakers or more.

None of those THD/SINAD numbers you see on ASR will be audible.

So why even care what they say on ASR?

But so what if THD is 0.0275% at 2V? That has been the usual THD for AVRs in the $500-750 range measured on S&V for the longest time. So why is it now all of the sudden critical? It was nothing bad 2 years ago on S&V magazine. But now it's critical? :D
I suppose you have a point there but it just seems like the DAC's in these are league below what's in most other receivers. Maybe I just don't have enough frame of reference to know exactly how this will compare but bat DAC's usually result it poor audio dynamics.

There's still the whole TSR-700 elephant in the room. Why should I spend hundreds more on the V6A? It makes you feel like you're getting ripped off if Yamaha only says these are worth ~$500 (Cad).


Audioholic Jedi
I suppose you have a point there but it just seems like the DAC's in these are league below what's in most other receivers. Maybe I just don't have enough frame of reference to know exactly how this will compare but bat DAC's usually result it poor audio dynamics.

There's still the whole TSR-700 elephant in the room. Why should I spend hundreds more on the V6A? It makes you feel like you're getting ripped off if Yamaha only says these are worth ~$500 (Cad).
We should care exactly 0.000000% regarding the DAC! Seriously.

If you look at the specs on the DAC, even the WORST DAC will most likely have THD of 0.001% or less. Superman is not going to hear that THD. :D

So put exactly 0.0000% focus on the DAC.

Also put exactly 0.00000% focus on Amir's $40 Dongle. :D


Audioholic Spartan
Good points but don't forget about the noise levels present when watching Netflix after a big bowl of chili beans. Open some windows and don't sit too close to that Denon.:p


Audioholic Jedi
@1.0 THD don't believe anyone could hear that. Plus, is that dude over at ASR even a Audio engineer? I hope Gene gets a chance to run test on the RX V6A. Gene is the Real Deal. Only than I would believe the TSR 700 or the RX V6A would be crap if Gene said so. I would bet there isn't anyone on AH that could Honestly say they could tell THD at 1.0 over THD 0.006.
Some audiophiles will claim they can hear THD of 0.1%. Maybe even 0.01%. Golden Ears, you know? :D

Doesn't matter the 3 fans they put atop the AVR, or AC noise, heater noise, house noise, and all their speakers blazing at 80-90dB. :D


We should care exactly 0.000000% regarding the DAC! Seriously.

If you look at the specs on the DAC, even the WORST DAC will most likely have THD of 0.001% or less. Superman is not going to hear that THD. :D

So put exactly 0.0000% focus on the DAC.

Also put exactly 0.00000% focus on Amir's $40 Dongle. :D
Noise levels aside, you don't think the DAC's will affect your sound in other ways? Such as dynamic sound, instrument/sound separation etc?


Audioholic Ninja
Some audiophiles will claim they can hear THD of 0.1%. Maybe even 0.01%. Golden Ears, you know? :D

Doesn't matter the 3 fans they put atop the AVR, or AC noise, heater noise, house noise, and all their speakers blazing at 80-90dB. :D
Don't some AH members use class D amps? those Crown amps that are good but don't Measure as well as even some AVR amps. I'm sure they can't tell Either.


Audioholic General
With a DAC it's not just about distortion. Some DACs sound different than others and some even have different settings for slightly different acoustical properties.

My Hegel H90 USB DAC sounds ballsy and clearly has a different sound than my Topping E30.


Audioholic Intern
I suppose you have a point there but it just seems like the DAC's in these are league below what's in most other receivers. Maybe I just don't have enough frame of reference to know exactly how this will compare but bat DAC's usually result it poor audio dynamics.

There's still the whole TSR-700 elephant in the room. Why should I spend hundreds more on the V6A? It makes you feel like you're getting ripped off if Yamaha only says these are worth ~$500 (Cad).
AVRs have a huge profit margin. I bought my denon x4300h for $675. Its msrp was $1500. Costco is getting deep into consumer electronics and they can sell a lot of them. The TSR line is made specifically for Costco and it is identical to the V6A. If you are a member, might as well buy it from there. Plus you get a great return policy with Costco.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Audioholic Jedi
Good points but don't forget about the noise levels present when watching Netflix after a big bowl of chili beans. Open some windows and don't sit too close to that Denon.:p
Or the noise from your wife and daughter texting on their iPhones during a movie. :eek:


Audioholic Jedi
Don't some AH members use class D amps? those Crown amps that are good but don't Measure as well as even some AVR amps. I'm sure they can't tell Either.
They can't tell either, but some will say they can. One look at the specs, and they can hear everything. :D


Audioholic Jedi
Noise levels aside, you don't think the DAC's will affect your sound in other ways? Such as dynamic sound, instrument/sound separation etc?
No, I don't.

Look at the Dynamic Range, SNR, Crosstalk specs. Even the cheap DACs have super awesome specs.

Of course, after people look at the great specs, the next rebuttal is, well, NUMERS and SPECS aren't everything! Cheap DACs will sound cheap because the cost is cheap. :D

Bottom line - people are gonna believe whatever they want.

Some think all AVRs suck regardless of any numbers someone can squeeze out from their measurement machine.

Some think AVRs sound better than separates because someone can squeeze out some fine measurements.

Some think external DACs are better because they cost more and they are separates and external.
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AVRs have a huge profit margin. I bought my denon x4300h for $675. Its msrp was $1500. Costco is getting deep into consumer electronics and they can sell a lot of them. The TSR line is made specifically for Costco and it is identical to the V6A. If you are a member, might as well buy it from there. Plus you get a great return policy with Costco.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Can you confirm that it's identical? To me, for such a deep discount at launch it either has to use cheaper components or the V6A is just junk. I'm in Canada and no sign of these TSR-700's here yet.


No, I don't.

Look at the Dynamic Range, SNR, Crosstalk specs. Even the cheap DACs have super awesome specs.

Of course, after people look at the great specs, the next rebuttal is, well, NUMERS and SPECS aren't everything! Cheap DACs will sound cheap because the cost is cheap. :D

Bottom line - people are gonna believe whatever they want.

Some think all AVRs suck regardless of any numbers someone can squeeze out from their measurement machine.

Some think AVRs sound better than separates because someone can squeeze out some fine measurements.

Some think external DACs are better because they cost more and they are separates and external.
If there is one thing I've noticed in the community its that no one ever agrees on anything.

I think my biggest gripe right now is that TSR--700, I just feel really taken advantage of and ripped off. I thinkj selling the exact same thing at two different price points but with different model numbers should be illegal.

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