Until someone tests these beasts properly, all we have now is speculation...which I'm about to add too.
Some of the extra weight comes with the additional 2 channels of amplification added in and above the 3080. Whether or not the transformer in the power supply follows suit is yet to be determined. Did Yamaha ratio up the existing transformer to meet the additional load of the 2 channels or did Yamaha actually go beyond the ratio and add some extra capacity in the transformer? Same question applies to the main filter caps in the piwer supply. It would also be nice if Yamaha wasnt so dam conservative on their protection circuitry... just to add more capacity in the ACD test.
To add to your speculation on the weight and power supply parts:
- Double-bottom construction, A3080 has that feature too but according to Yamaha Japan, the new mechanical structure has doubled the strength by increasing the part adhesion surface of the H-type cross frame, so I think it must also add weight.
- Preamp section uses a four-layer substrate.
- Power amp wiring same thickness as MX-A5200's (copper is heavy, so larger gauge = more weight)
- Dim 435W×192H×477Dmm vs 435 x 192 x 474 mm, that's 3 mm deeper, enough to add a little weight.
- Weight: A8A 47.2 lbs, (I think this is actually for the 220 V models) A3080 39.9 lbs, 43.2 lbs for the 220 V 50 Hz models, apparently.
- Weight: A6A 44.8 lbs, 220 V models (apparently) 41.2 NA models vs A2080's 37.5 lbs.
The difference in weight between the 3080 and A8A could be as little as 4.9 lbs or 7.3 lbs. It would be 4.9 lbs if we assume the A8A's manual's 47.2 lbs is for the 220 V models and for some reason they forgot to include the figure for the typically lighter "other" versions (they did in the A6A's and A2080/A3080 models. Each of the features noted above most likely would add just a little more weight but they all add up to something more substantial.
Power supply related:
- Power consumption: 600 W, 1370 W (Max) vs 490 W, 1210 W.
As I pointed out on this site many times, using power consumption specs as transformer VA rating is very unreliable, but it is reason to use such figures to compare the transformer VA rating in terms of % difference, across the models of the same line of the same brand, such as, RX-A to RX-A, as long as they are all class AB amp and linear power supply based.
So (just an assumption), the A8A may potentially measure 13 (more likely) to 22% (unlikely) more output on the bench than the A3080 depending on the load conditions (such as 2,5,7 ch driven, 8, 6, or 4 Ohms etc.) and the distortion level permitted for the test. Regarding the 4.9 to 7.3 lbs difference, I think more than half (say 70%) of that could be accounted for by the difference in the physical features and the 2X150 W power amps. The rest of it could be due to a larger transformer that has more mouths to feed. The caps may be larger too but I doubt it would add more than 0.25 lbs as they will be only two pieces.
While it is good and important to see actual bench measurements, it can be fun to speculate too.