When is justice to be served?


Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
So, you say the war in Kuwait was wrong. Please state your reasons.

And, you seem to imply that we can just simply pull out of Iraq with no detrimental effects. Again, please state your reasons. Apparantly, that analogy to raising a child I made earlier was lost on you.
Which part of "war is always wrong" do you not get?

Nothing we do or don't do in Iraq will make any long-term difference because we cannot change the fundamental nature of the region. That is why pulling out now (or better yet pulling out 5 years ago!) makes sense.


Audioholic Samurai
Which part of "war is always wrong" do you not get?
So by this logic, you are saying that a modern day Hitler arises from somewhere and decides that he is going to launch a full assault on America, with a massive invasion of the East Coast. Your thought then is that we should just lay down, wave the white flag and let them take over?

Man, this is just so much fun! :p


Which part of "war is always wrong" do you not get?

Nothing we do or don't do in Iraq will make any long-term difference because we cannot change the fundamental nature of the region. That is why pulling out now (or better yet pulling out 5 years ago!) makes sense.
Yeah, damn that American Revolutionary War. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Samurai
"I hate war and Bush sucks..." (x 1000 and counting)

No reasons. No rhyme. Nothing.

It must be lonely at the top Joe, since you have it all figured out. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Overlord
Well, maybe Kris Kristofferson was right when he said...

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

I guess some here just don't really appreciate (or even know) just how much they have to lose.

Me? I do believe some things are worth fighting for, both for myself and my friends.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
So by this logic, you are saying that a modern day Hitler arises from somewhere and decides that he is going to launch a full assault on America, with a massive invasion of the East Coast. Your thought then is that we should just lay down, wave the white flag and let them take over?

Man, this is just so much fun! :p
OK, I guess you got me there. I will rephrase:
a) Starting a war is wrong.
b) Getting involved in other people's wars is wrong unless the outcome will clearly affect the US.
c) Defending the US is the only valid purpose of the military (which rules out being the self-proclaimed police of the world.)
d) Special task forces for hunting down terrorists make far more sense than full-scale invasion of every country where we think terrorists might be based.


Audioholic Overlord
Aw, cheeze!

The Cold War never dies for some.
I just KNEW someone would drag global warming into this! :rolleyes:

Seriously, Joe's ideas are nice, warm and fuzzy but we don't live in a fairy-tale world. Egven though we have a good buffer with the two oceans, isolationism simply does not work. We tried that and failed.

There really are things that go bump in the night and they would gladly relieve us of all we hold dear and I think it takes morethna a hidden army of assassins as was sugested.

Other countries realize that, too. that's why there are mutual aid pacts whereby we help defend each other. NATO, for example, which still keeps a watchful eye on Europe. Japan is under our wing as well. And, being the biggest, baddest guy on the block it sort of falls to us to help police the world. That's why Europe came running to us with Kosovo, although I would have just as gladly let nature take it's course there. All that did was prove the validity of ethnic cleansing.

And, what's wrong wit hcoming out ahead if we get involved? Believe it or not, we're a lot less "imperal "than other countries have been. What other victor rebuilds the loser like we do?
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Audioholic Spartan
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

I guess some here just don't really appreciate (or even know) just how much they have to lose.

Me? I do believe some things are worth fighting for, both for myself and my friends.
Right, O :)

The US has never been occupied by a foreign state, You don't know what it means to be occupied and what that does to the people.... Most of you live extremely well, you got everything you could ever want, many of you got so many cars that you wonder which car to drive to work.....

Name one other country in the world with such wealth as you guys do have

And still so many complain about just about everything, I believe it would be a reality check for some people to dig into a few of the things happening in other parts of the world.

Anyone that complain about the US state of conditions should go for a vacation, for instance to North Korea :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I know a guy who was there last summer, It's as different from the US as living on the Moon would be different from living in the US.


Harald N


Audioholic Samurai
The US has never been occupied by a foreign state...
No we haven't, and I agree with you all the way. This is why it is so frustrating when I hear and see everyone in this country whine, moan and complain about every little freaking thing - we've basically become a nation of spoiled little brats.

"Oooohh, somebody said 'God' at work today... ewww.." or "Who is going to help me with my mortgage?", and "I can't believe they put a military recruiting office there" eh, I could go on, you get the point.

Also, because of your above statement, we take a lot of things for granted, as if this peace and security that we enjoy will somehow always be there.

History is against us. No republic in the history of mankind has ever lasted as long as we have, just because we're sitting on top of the world right now doesn't mean it will stay that way. Closing ourselves off from the problems of the world and not providing support (both diplomatically, militarily, and financially) will plant the seeds of our demise.


Audioholic Samurai
Guess it's pretty good in Tampa :cool:
Enjoy :D
Ha! Sunny and warm today, in the mid-80's. Perfect beach weather, although I think the water temp may still be a little cool. Hang on, lemme put my shades on.... :cool: :D


Audioholic Spartan
Ha! Sunny and warm today, in the mid-80's. Perfect beach weather, although I think the water temp may still be a little cool. Hang on, lemme put my shades on.... :cool: :D
We've got beach weather to if you like rolling in the snow and freezing to death :D


Audioholic Spartan
Right, O :)

The US has never been occupied by a foreign state, You don't know what it means to be occupied and what that does to the people.... Most of you live extremely well, you got everything you could ever want, many of you got so many cars that you wonder which car to drive to work.....

Name one other country in the world with such wealth as you guys do have

And still so many complain about just about everything, I believe it would be a reality check for some people to dig into a few of the things happening in other parts of the world.

Anyone that complain about the US state of conditions should go for a vacation, for instance to North Korea :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I know a guy who was there last summer, It's as different from the US as living on the Moon would be different from living in the US.


Harald N
Hell, you just demonstrated that CAPITALISM WORKS. Take that message back to all those tree-hugging Nancy-boy European nations that are collapsing under the weight of their oppressive socialist policies. It simply amazes me that half the U.S. population would demand to give up their entire standard of living and wealth in order to follow down the same failed socialist road that has already decayed half the world.

Capitalism, inseparable from freedom, is the answer to the world's problems. The only problem is that most people in the world don't want it. Iraqis want a theocracy and they will always live in poverty and war. Afghanis want a theocracy and they will always live in poverty and war. Russia has rejected capitalism and returned to its socialist roots and it's people will always live in poverty, according to the degree to which they reject capitalism.

China has had great success and tremendous wealth with it's experiment with limited capitalism. In this limited capitalism is the seeds of China's communist's undoing. Once the connection between this tremendous wealth and capitalism is established as the source of their standard of living, people with vested interests in the state of the nation will demand control of their politics as well. At this point, discussions towards an independent Tibet can reasonably be considered.

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