When is justice to be served?


Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
So, we should have just shrugged off 9/11, the '93 WTC bombing, the USS Cole, and various other attacks on us, either here or overseas, eh?
I have explained before that what we should have done after 9/11 was track down the individuals responsible (one at a time, if need be) and punish them, rather than using it as an excuse to start a war with an entire country. (Of course, Dubya wanted to attack Iraq all along, so he would have found some other lame excuse.)
Accepting help from Israel might have been a good idea also. They seem to have a talent for that sort of operation.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Good question. I have seen much of the outside world's perception of the US firsthand from my visits overseas, and though I have seen a lot of anti-American sentiment, I have also been astonished at the overwhelming postitive reaction from some foreign natives whom I've met with regards to America.
I just hope that foreigners don't think that Bush and his kind represent the US.:eek:


Audioholic Overlord
I have explained before that what we should have done after 9/11 was track down the individuals responsible (one at a time, if need be) and punish them, rather than using it as an excuse to start a war with an entire country.
How simple it its! Of course, you can name them all and tell exactly where they were hiding, can't you?

(Of course, Dubya wanted to attack Iraq all along, so he would have found some other lame excuse.)
Maybe, maybe not. Everyone (even your beloved democrats) thought he had WMD and hindsight is 20/20, isn't it?

Accepting help from Israel might have been a good idea also. They seem to have a talent for that sort of operation.
I guess you still can't see that that would have instantly polarized the entire region against us, do you? Yeah, you've got a real feel for the politics of the mideast...

Please, stay out of politics and confine your rantings to these forums where the only harm done is to your reputation.


Audioholic Samurai
I already have enlightened you. You merely refuse to accept that fact.
No, you have not. Period. End of discussion. You've done nothing but prove just how incredibly foolish your entire way of thinking is. I have never claimed to have every answer myself mind you, but the only thing I have learned from your hundred (or more) posts is:

"I don't like Bush and war sucks".

That's not enlightenment amigo, that's a bumper sticker. ;)

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Please, stay out of politics and confine your rantings to these forums where the only harm done is to your reputation.
I have never done any harm to anything, including my reputation.:rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Do you seriously think we would have responded to the Kuwaitis "begging for help" if we had not had oil interests there to protect? You really are naive if you think that the US government ever acts from altruistic motives.
You never bothered to answer my question did you....

Haraldo said:
Do you think it was wrong to Throw Saddam out of Kuwait when in fact the country of Kuwait was begging for help
Or does it give you more pleasure to just annoy people?



Just remember what your choices are when voting:
Holy! That's Some Really Good, High Quality Images There. You Never Even See South Park Episodes On The Web In That Resolution! A Man Can Dream Though.. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Don't bother Harald, it's useless. You're wasting your time. ;)
I'm not bothered by people who doesn't seem to go out into the real world....

You may go (almost) anywhere in the world as a US citizen and people will cheer you and meet you with open arms... One of the reasons for this is that people from the US are nice.... NO, I mean the people that get out of the US to Europe or Asia or somewhere else, they are nice, I guess the cranky ones stay within the borders of your 52 states :D

I have never met people that genuinely believe US citizens to be bad, I have never ever met a single individual that believe Bush represents the average American. Suggesting such a thought is an outrage against our intelligence :D

And I don't remember this guy making any considerations about people getting killed in Tibet just because they state their opinions !!!!
Pehaps Gas prices and living standard is more important?
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Audioholic Spartan
Do you seriously think we would have responded to the Kuwaitis "begging for help" if we had not had oil interests there to protect? You really are naive if you think that the US government ever acts from altruistic motives.
Do you recall that the U.S. aided Kuwait at the request of the United Nations? Do you recall that a formidable international coalition was formed under the U.N. banner to free Kuwait. Even the cheese-eating surrender monkeys sent a sizable force to this coalition. The history of the event suggests that the U.S. went to Kuwait at the request of the international community and that oil played no part.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
Although it doesn't imply that it was right, at least there was some support for that war (not that we would have done it for the UN or France without oil being involved.)
It was better than the current debacle, which president braindead has vowed to continue even if "his wife and his dog" are the only supporters.


Audioholic Overlord
Although it doesn't imply that it was right, at least there was some support for that war (not that we would have done it for the UN or France without oil being involved.)
It was better than the current debacle, which president braindead has vowed to continue even if "his wife and his dog" are the only supporters.
So, you say the war in Kuwait was wrong. Please state your reasons.

And, you seem to imply that we can just simply pull out of Iraq with no detrimental effects. Again, please state your reasons. Apparantly, that analogy to raising a child I made earlier was lost on you.

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