You got that right, rew is work, or doesn't work. I can't get sound out of this for the life of me.
When I say the svs are compressing the room, whats happening is the ceiling and the walls start to buckle, they make all kinds of snap crackles and pops. So i'm expecting something BIG getting ready to come out, and i get a whimper if anything. Basically I turned em up, because who doesn't like a ton of bass. Since i did that I'm having some issues. yeah, they probably just turned up to high. but I sure would like to see it. I can make all kinds of changes with the svs app but not if I don't see what they are doing.
I don't understand this rew. It sees the marantz, it sees the umik, my laptop sound card is turned on for the marantz, but nothing. I can't measure