Yea, I was refering to the keyboard/mouse whilst gaming with friends.
I just don't see the level of playing seen in CS 1.6 or CoD4 promod ever getting to the joysticks.
If I was still really serious about PC gaming i'd invest more in a rig. I still run a MBP.
But the option for full support of Mouse/keyboard ingame will allow me to pwn some nubs whilst hanging out with MY nubs.
Online PC multiplayer is getting increasingly restrictive, as well, though. Almost none of the newer FPS games have really good competition rules or even dedicated servers. This sucks. I think it must just be way more profitable for companies like Treyarch to push their consumer base towards console gaming. But that is just a guess. It is at the very least much easier to control how the game is played by the consumer on console. (PC games are getting less and less configurable/modded)
On another note, it will be interesting to see how Leap Motion plays into all this.