What is the Best 50in Flat Panel made?



I have been shopping for a flat panel. I have a Media center with a 54inch wide opening and all the height you could want. I have been eyeing the PIONEER KURO PDP5010FD but was wondering if something better is out there? The choices are amazing and it makes me DIZZY:eek: I have a great HT sound set up already but Son-in Law has bought a new house and is moving out with his Samsung 54in DLP, so I need to replace it. Low light conditions and seating is 12' from screen.
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Audioholic Overlord
I'm sure there's some superlatively high end display that would beat everything, including the Kuro. I'm pretty such a thing is both rare and outrageously expensive. Unless you just pocketted a large sum of money (or a private millionare) I see no alternative to the Pioneer. I've seen that display in action, and it's beautiful.


Audioholic Spartan
Seth, I don't think there is anything better than the Pios. They ARE the best at this size. When you talk about PJs, then some people will argue those are better, but we are talking 10x the price anyways, and a different size altogether.

At 50", the best would be the 111. However, the KRP500M for a lot less money, is the exact same thing minus a few side features (like extra hdmi I think), with the most important missing feature being the ControlCAL ISFccc (which lets you have SEPARATE calibrations for EVERY source, so that it is perfect for both day and night viewing).

However, you can still get around that, as here is a list of calibrators who can install that patch and then calibrate.


The problem is that these TVs are probably all gone now. Well, I'm sure there's a few around, you have to look. I do see the 60" version for sale.

Hm, the prices have seen to gone up on the KRPs. If they are close enough in pricing, I would go with the 111.
walter duque

walter duque

Audioholic Samurai
Runco (NEC) does make a nice panel. Very expensive. Last time I checked 50" Plasma $10.000.--. Maybe now they came down a little.
Fujitsu is pricy too. Best bet for the money IMO is Pioneer or just go with a Panasonic and save a ton of money.
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Thanks for the input folks. My string is not unlimited, it's just about 1500.00 to 2500.00 long:) However I have been seeing some of the Kuros in that range and thus was my thinking. I will check out the pannies tho. I am just gonna have to take the suggestions that fit me and go out and audition just like I did for my speakers 9 months ago:eek:
Thanks again


Audioholic Ninja
The Panny 54V10 can be had in that budget and is just under 53" wide.


Audioholic General
I have been shopping for a flat panel. I have a Media center with a 54inch wide opening and all the height you could want. I have been eyeing the PIONEER KURO PDP5010FD but was wondering if something better is out there? The choices are amazing and it makes me DIZZY:eek: I have a great HT sound set up already but Son-in Law has bought a new house and is moving out with his Samsung 54in DLP, so I need to replace it. Low light conditions and seating is 12' from screen.
Pioneer is the best and actually the Kuro Elite PRO-141FD is one step about the one you have listed above. I have the PRO-151FD and it has awesome black level and picture quality and the PRO-141FD would give you a similar awesome picture.

Good Luck!

Forest Man
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Audioholic Intern
Pioneer Krp-500m

The Pioneer Krp-500m can still be had for under $2000 however quanities are dwindling and you better act fast. After doing several monthes of research I believe it offers the best picture of any panel in 2009. Like mentioned you can add a patch during calibration for both day and night viewing. Here's what I came up with after a quick google search with the key words "pioneer krp-500m".http://www.google.com/products/catalog?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS347US349&q=pioneer+krp-500m&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=14128651283946329091&ei=F7UeS_u9BsmUtgf2w7GvCg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCEQ8wIwAg#ps-sellers


Audioholic Warlord
I can't argue with the advice from everyone above, but I will take a different approach that is usually given less attention than which model TV to buy.

Get the least compressed, highest resolution picture source you can find. In my area that means either Verizon Fios or over-the-air broadcast with an antenna. Both deliver uncompressed video and are excellent. Comcast cable or satellite via Direct TV provide only compressed video signals and their picture quality suffers. This makes a bigger difference in my opinion than which model TV you choose.


Audioholic Spartan
Pioneer is the best and actually the Kuro Elite PRO-141FD is one step about the one you have listed above. I have the PRO-151FD and it has awesome black level and picture quality and the PRO-141FD would give you a similar awesome picture.

Good Luck!

Forest Man
I would have definitely mentioned the Sig panel, if he wasn't specifically asking for a 50" in the thread title, or had listed that the max width is only 54". However, BB sells the 141 for $7,000, so it's easy to understand how the KRP panels are a bargain at less than half the cost. Ok, it seems it has risen nearly $1000 in the last couple of months, so now it's over half.

I can't argue with the advice from everyone above, but I will take a different approach that is usually given less attention than which model TV to buy.

Get the least compressed, highest resolution picture source you can find. In my area that means either Verizon Fios or over-the-air broadcast with an antenna. Both deliver uncompressed video and are excellent. Comcast cable or satellite via Direct TV provide only compressed video signals and their picture quality suffers. This makes a bigger difference in my opinion than which model TV you choose.
Good point. Some of us, ok maybe only me, are so snooty, that we don't even watch TV programming at home. :p Blu-ray or bust! :p

Ok, seriously, you have a great point. Along with Comcast and Direct TV (though I hear Direct might have improved), Time Warner also sucks hairy ones. Cox provided the best cable pic I've seen, and for sat, I usually have heard positive thing for Dish (btw, they make a DVR that has two OTA ports, so that you can theoretically record four shows at the same, provided you have two antennae).
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Junior Audioholic
As an owner of Elite Pro-111FD I have to say its the best TV money can buy. Once I had it ISF Calibrated it became something totally different. Perfect. If you can get your hand on a KURO get it before they are all gone!!!!


The Pioneer Krp-500m can still be had for under $2000 however quanities are dwindling and you better act fast. After doing several monthes of research I believe it offers the best picture of any panel in 2009. Like mentioned you can add a patch during calibration for both day and night viewing. Here's what I came up with after a quick google search with the key words "pioneer krp-500m".http://www.google.com/products/catalog?sourceid=navclient&rlz=1T4ADFA_enUS347US349&q=pioneer+krp-500m&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=14128651283946329091&ei=F7UeS_u9BsmUtgf2w7GvCg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CCEQ8wIwAg#ps-sellers
Great link but everyone is out of stock! DANG:(


The Pioneer Krp-500m can still be had for under $2000 however quanities are dwindling and you better act fast.


Well I am going to look at some today but I found 2 that fall in the price range that the HH feels comfortable with:rolleyes:
PDP5010FD (older tech I know)
Panny V 50in S model (comes with a Pan BD60 free)
Both same price same size, both Plasma.
Your thoughts are appreciated as always.


Well I have it down to 3 that I am going to look at this evening and would like your thoughts please:confused:
PDP5010FD Pioneer Kuro-older model but new
Panasonic P54S1
Panasonic P58S1 Vera
They are all priced so close together as to make no diffrence on cost.


Audioholic General
Well I have it down to 3 that I am going to look at this evening and would like your thoughts please:confused:
PDP5010FD Pioneer Kuro-older model but new
Panasonic P54S1
Panasonic P58S1 Vera
They are all priced so close together as to make no diffrence on cost.
The PDP5010FD is very similar to the PRO-141HD and if you can get one it is the best. I wouldn't really about it being an older model.

Good Luck!

Forest Man


Thanks !! The one Panny was a 58in. but thats the info I needed!

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