What is different between a composite video signal sent by a DVD player, a VCR and a satellite receiver?
We can watch signals sent by our relatively old VCR (StarLite SVCR-7, from 1991) or by our newer satellite receiver (Samsung SCI-702E, from 2002) to our old TV set (SABA ST 25-1, from 1986) without any trouble using the scart (Peritel) connector in both cases.
However, we cannot watch those sent by our recently bought DVD player (CyberHome CH-DVD 412, from 2004) in the same TV set. The DVD player seems to work correctly, as its signal can be watched in other TV sets (using any of scart, composite AV and S-video connectors).
Which can be wrong or different with the reception of the (AV) signal from the DVD player (with respect to those provided by the VCR and the satellite receiver)?
Thanks a lot for any help.