'Nother war without getting starred. Where's
@BoredSysAdmin been lately? I hope he's not caught in the hurricane nightmare.
Same % as the last war. For those who don't know, the goal is to get up to 3 stars on the enemy bases either by total destruction (minimum 50% destruction for 1 star), or get the town hall. That's the building in the center of my base that's virtually untouched.
To get 3 stars you have to take out the town hall and get 100% destruction. However, you can only get 1 star if the town hall is left standing, even if every other building is destroyed. I've had this base for at least 3 years now and have been through many different base layouts. This one is definitely the best war base layout I've had. I don't see me switching up any time soon.
It takes a long time to progress to where I'm at unless you want to spend a crap load of money on in game currency. I've spent ten bucks here and there to finish an upgrade or something, but some folks really go overboard. I've read stories about guys who spend thousands just to stay at the top of the leaderboards.

I'm just not
stupid competitive enough to hang with that crowd.