My wife says that you got to remove the sticker... LOL
Heheheh That keeps drawing my eyes to it as well, but they are already sealed up now, glued them up last night and I'm working on them today trimming and sanding the enclosures, so I should have these 2 up and running tomorrow If all goes well....
I'm very curious if an 18" MAL-X can produce more linear SPL displacement as compared to a TC-2000 15", then how about a TC-3000 15"?
Of course, one will need more power than he has available on hand to find out. The TC-2000 was power limited in the tests on HTTalk with the 2400 watt Tapco amp. Maximum output was never determined as a consequence of not having more power on hand.
You and me both Chris... I know I will get significantly more output from a 1 to 1 comparison just from the displacement area itself (33mm xmax - 40mm Xmech), and roughly the same linear travel as a TC2K (28mm Xmax - Axis - 30mm Xmax) and all the guys that have them running have stated the SQ from them is spectacular, with only 1500w required.... Eq'd they will require more, and I'll be running 3 - 2500w amps, 1 for each. I have yet to see any outdoor measurements, but WillD's straight from the cone measurement in room looked fantastic, but obviously that speaks nothing about distortion. He sold me his TC2K and had no problem moving from it to the Mal-X.
Tomorrow is the big day, and I will be doing A/B testing with the TC-2K, Revo, TC-3000, and Mal-X so we'll see what they have to offer.
I have enough of the TC drivers here on hand, but I would have to find enough space in my room to attain the output I need, of coarse If I were to have gone ported it would be less of an issue...

, but again no fridgerators allowed in my great room...
The Mal-X's have pretty much the same surround as the W7's just a bit more supple, not as thick. They are very nice drivers, but looks aren't everything...

They are not as sexy as the TC-drivers - that's for sure....