But if you keep coming back for answers, you may find some
It is my opinion that these devices can,t perceive all the information put forth by the audio components we use.
But, factually incorrect
Human hearing has attributes because it is also connected to a memory bank. But, it has an awful lot of baggage as well. It has short memory for small differences, it has limits what it can hear, it has masking properties so that you don't hear everything that is vibrating in air in the audio band- one reason why perceptual coding works so well. And, it has many other shortcomings. That is what acoustic researchers do, been doing for a 100 years, to expand our knowledge in this area.
Given the above thoughts, would it be possible to get a few opinions on what receivers are considered bright and what are not so bright.
Thank you again for your time.
Modern components that are well designed are transparent, period.
David Rich and Peter Aczel, 'Topological Analysis of Consumer Audio Electronics: Another Approach to Show that MOdern Audio Electronics are Acoustically Transparent,' 99 AES Convention, 1995, Print #4053.