Markw, thanks for...
...the kind and supportive words, back atcha'...
Buckeyefan1..."Just noticed something. You write a lot like Mulester. Any relationship?"
SIR! In another time and place, my second would be visiting you!
I realize without specific quotes(usually taking up too much space, which I feel wastes the sites resources) or a tool to track who's answerin' who, some of my posts may seem disjointed, they are usually carefully thought out to address what has previously transpired...I try to write as I might speak in person; linear, but in an informal way...sort of a parallel to FZs "conceptual continuity".
I do, however, proofread for spelling(I try, I really do), capitalize and punctuate as trust me, I am what I am...and no one else...
jimHJJ(...sorta' like string theory, only different...)