You were once a rabid fan-boy of his products and defended his poor handling of pre-payments and quality issues when others were posting their real life issues and concerns. I find this interesting because now that you switched over to Salk products, you have developed what appears to be a cult-like existance with his stuff and defend it vehemently. Hmmmmmmmm, exuberant product endorser or shill?!? Jury is still out on that one.
I'm honored I "inspired" you to make your first post...riddled with false accusations and insults. How wonderful!
I liked some of AV123's products a while back and even recommended them, but I never forced anyone's hand, and I always recommended people audition before they buy. I didn't get any free products for doing so, nor any discounts. Dunno how that makes me a cult follower or shill, but whatever... Anyway, when things started getting fishy with AV123 and the complaints started rolling in, I did
not defend Mark or AV123. I'll admit it was a little hard to swallow at first, as I actually thought he was a decent guy, but the truth became plain as day. I've been recommending people stay away from AV123 for over a year. Look or ask around - you'll see.
Concerning Salk, heck yes I like their products, and I'll recommend them whenever I want to. It also helps Jim isn't a crook and his products sound great. I recommend products that sound good to me; plain and simple. It took me years to find a speaker I was able to live with (I auditioned dozens). I've never forced anyone's hand, so being accused of being a shill is ridiculous, but you're entitled to your opinion. Call me whatever you want - doesn't bug me. I'll continue to search out good products and recommend them, and if that makes me a "fanboy," so be it.
As for single handedly inspiring others to buy AV123 products, how? I started a thread about my search; that's it. If that "inspired people" there is nothing I can do about it. I never forced anyone or hounded them. That thread was more for me to keep record of my "journey" than anything else. Fortunately I met some cool people along the way whom I consider good friends to this day.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, but you're way off.