Ukraine – Russia … not more of the last thread



Audioholic Spartan
>>>President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed NATO accession protocols for Finland and Sweden. <<<

This was lost a little today with the FBI raid of former President Trumps home.



Seriously, I have no life.
Doesn't much matter. The sentence is ridiculous.
WE think it's ridiculous, but that doesn't matter because A) we have no say in how they penalize people, B) they don't have to care about who thinks their penalties are severe and C) this is Russia, where this is a minor inconvenience, when compared to the old days.

Bottom line- people need to think before they go to foreign countries with drugs.


Audioholic Warlord
WE think it's ridiculous, but that doesn't matter because A) we have no say in how they penalize people, B) they don't have to care about who thinks their penalties are severe and C) this is Russia, where this is a minor inconvenience, when compared to the old days.

Bottom line- people need to think before they go to foreign countries with drugs.
I'm aware of that.

BTW, I doubt anyone would just sit back if it were one of your own. Of course you'd be trying to do something about it. You wouldn't go, Ah well thats Russian law. :rolleyes:
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It sure looks clean where they are holding her. TOO clean. If she makes too much more noise, they will start drugging her.
An American that is GOOD at what she does, and is a total opposite of EVERYTHING Russian.
Head down, mouth shut. Everyone including the partner need to stop complaining until AFTER she gets home, not on a plane home. HOME.

Remember Russia's drug laws aren't to bad. Indonesia it's prolonged sentences, caning on a regular basis and if you're lucky a swift death.
There is not a clean, dry, warm or safe jail / prison on earth. Some are worse. Indonesia, is one. Middle East, they chop off the offending part
or your head for vaping, I suppose. Stoning is pretty popular, right after female butchery of course.

I don't appreciate anyone being incarcerated for drug use. I have a problem with using, and causing damage or harm. Use all you want.
There is a price for everything. I just don't believe it's up to others to impose further harm on someone that is doing a good job all by themselves.
Jimmy Carter had some good ideas about drug laws. Nixon killed more people for pot than Reagan, that's a LOT. Fentanyl is nothing a compared
to the drug alcohol. That is the worst of all time 100 to 1. Coffee still, and tobacco goes up and down.

Stealing to support habits on the other hand. If they steal, they will Kill!!! JAIL and keep it between the curbs. OTOH if they learned
something other than how to make better Pruno or jack a car in under 40 seconds, that would help. Griner, making those dolls that fit in each other
for 9 years, learn how to tattoo, play hockey, chess, learn how to speak Mandarin. Pretty sure there is a book or two on Lenin, Stalin, or Putin to read.
George Washington not so much.

Don't go to Russia in the first place. They can keep Mr Segal and give back Gainer, that is fair. Throw in the arms dealer just for the housing cost alone.
Probably eating caviar on tax payers tab anyway. (special diet needs). Reindeer milk or reindeer condoms for jail house safe sex.
Ship him back 1/2 at a time. Left, right, Top or bottom.


Seriously, I have no life.
I'm aware of that.

BTW, I doubt anyone would just sit back if it were one of your own. Of course you'd be trying to do something about it. You wouldn't go, Ah well thats Russian law. :rolleyes:
Whether she's one of mine doesn't matter and it's no different from the US, other than the fact that the rest of the world doesn't want to allow the US to enforce some of it's own laws, which are none of their business unless they involve harsh sentences or capital punishment for minor crimes. The point is, don't go into a foreign country and make the assumption that things are "just like back home"- they aren't. Try taking drugs into a Muslim-run country and see how much worse it would be than Russia. A kid was caned for graffiti in Indonesia- what do you think they would do for drugs? Some countries kill homosexuals- she would likely be sentenced to death in one of those countries and the CBD would be moot- can't very well kill her twice, right?

"Try to do something about it"- meaning, get her back or change their laws? If you mean that someone should try to get her back, who ever said that she should be allowed to rot in their prison? Of course someone should try to get her back, but trade someone who's called 'merchant of death' in the deal?

I and others are saying that she should have thought before taking her drug to Russia, or at least checked with an embassy to learn what can/can't be brought in or get clearance.


Seriously, I have no life.
Fentanyl is nothing a compared
to the drug alcohol. That is the worst of all time 100 to 1.
Drugging someone for bringing drugs into the country- that's ironic.

WRT Fentanyl vs alcohol- bull shyte- nobody passed out or died just because they came into physical contact with someone who was drunk on alcohol- this happens frequently when cops and others do nothing more than touch someone on Fentanyl or something that has a small amount of Fentanyl on it- police now carry Narcan in their cars, EMS carry it in their ambulances because for the simple act of touching a Fentanyl user, death can result. The damage from alcohol, aside from what happens WHEN someone is drunk (crashed, stupid decisions, etc) takes years/decades. People have the option to quit, somewhere along the way but just trying to help someone who passed out from Fentanyl can be lethal- that's one of the reasons life saving tactics no longer involve mouth to mouth resuscitation.


Audioholic Spartan
>>>While careful not to confirm — or deny — that Ukrainian forces were responsible for the explosions that rocked a Russian airbase, two government officials said the blast marks the start of a major counterattack. … <<<



Audioholic Samurai
>>>While careful not to confirm — or deny — that Ukrainian forces were responsible for the explosions that rocked a Russian airbase, two government officials said the blast marks the start of a major counterattack. … <<<

The videos of the explosions at the Saki airbase are quite dramatic:

I haven't seen any reliable information about what caused the explosions. This is intriguing.

The airbase appears to be about 200 km from the nearest Ukraine-held territory, which is well beyond the range of the HIMARS missiles (unless the U.S. has supplied longer range missiles that we don't know about).

There is speculation that it was an OTR-21 Tochka missile. However, based on some quick google research it appears to me that these have a maximum range of about 120 km, or perhaps 185 km for a later model (I'm not sure Ukraine has the longer range version). Unless Ukraine developed a newer version with longer range, Tochkas don't seem to have sufficient range.

There is also speculation that Ukraine may have domestically developed missiles with enough range:

>>>Victor Andrusiv, who resigned from his position as adviser to the country's Interior Minister in July for unclear reasons, specifically claimed that Ukraine had missiles with ranges between 200 and 300 kilometers (approximately 124 to 186 miles) already in service in a post on the Telegram social media network. . . . Reports have indicated that the range of the subsequent Grim-2/Hrim-2 variant had the same maximum range of 280 kilometers (174 miles), but this may actually only apply to an export version. Some sources suggest that the full range of the variant for the Ukrainian armed forces would be able to strike targets out to distances between 450 and 500 kilometers (some 280 to 310 miles). <<<

There are also reports that it was Ukraine special forces or resistance fighters:

>>>Ukrainian special forces were behind the daring attack on a Russian airbase 125 miles into occupied Crimea, according to a Kyiv official. . . .
Another anonymous Ukrainian official told the New York Times that partisan resistance fighters had been behind the attack in Crimea.<<<



Audioholic Samurai
This twitter post suggests that there is a missile magnetic anomaly signature associated with the blasts in Crimea. According to the author of the post "Missiles and explosions send acoustic shocks into the upper atmosphere. There they become magneto-acoustic waves which affect magnetometers over a wide area."

He also reported spikes consistent with China's launch of hypersonic missiles a few days ago:

I'm not sure how reliable this is, but it's interesting (at least to me, YMMV).


Drugging someone for bringing drugs into the country- that's ironic.

WRT Fentanyl vs alcohol- bull shyte- nobody passed out or died just because they came into physical contact with someone who was drunk on alcohol- this happens frequently when cops and others do nothing more than touch someone on Fentanyl or something that has a small amount of Fentanyl on it- police now carry Narcan in their cars, EMS carry it in their ambulances because for the simple act of touching a Fentanyl user, death can result. The damage from alcohol, aside from what happens WHEN someone is drunk (crashed, stupid decisions, etc) takes years/decades. People have the option to quit, somewhere along the way but just trying to help someone who passed out from Fentanyl can be lethal- that's one of the reasons life saving tactics no longer involve mouth to mouth resuscitation.
Absolute total and complete BULL$HIT. I laughed until I almost cried when I saw the lies. I worked directly with DOJ of CA and the FED in the DISPOSAL industry of ALL chemicals as a mechanic for over 20 years. I worked on everything from furnaces, to chemical treatment for cyanide. I did not work on contaminated or radioactive waste directly, only AFTER, if it met OUR specs not the military or NRC 70-90s.

I NEVER gave mouth to mouth without a check filter. The victim could have very well INHAILED a poison or WORSE STDs. You are no help if you die too OR become
contaminated with who know what. A real bad one is Hepatitis. Never had it and don't want any strain of it.

I can't think of a single poison that lethal, that by TOUCHING it it would kill you. Hydrofluoric acid burn is a death sentence, maybe that. That stuff use to scare
me. Stops your heart by consuming the calcium in your blood, 24-48 hours.

FENTANYL, not even close. At least from a disposal perspective, they would burn it along with anything to UP the BTU, refinery or oilfield waste would do it.
They use to MIX PCB oils and burn them too. All about the PPM.

Ingestion, INJECTION, inhalation, but absorption is a TOTAL JOKE. NEVER in 1000 years. I could scoop handfuls of the PILLS (without cuts on my hands) and
never show any sign of absorption. If inhaled, on the other hand. YOU DIE. I learned HOW to keep safe in the 70s. 15 minutes of flushing will just about KILL
The Spanish Flu. NEVER under estimate flushing or showering and scrubbing over and over and over. Breathing it on the other hand, YOU'RE DEAD. Injection
or a prepared absorption PATCH. You have to be careful handling THAT, you don't want to inhale THAT. READ the instructions, DUMMY. What do you think
terminal ill people use for pain relief or WORSE untreatable pain like Huntington's chorea, lupus, degenerative spine disease or ANY arthritis.
Fentanyl patches were developed along with Butts for the purpose of long term pain management.

Narcan is a lifesaver, but when you see it used 30 times on the same person.. YUP!! 30 times on the same person. Twice in one day, my nephew was just
beside himself. Same person within the same shift. I'm surprised it worked, so was he.

BIO-WASTE, that was the spooky one. Sarin, ricin, cyanide, radioactive bio-waste, DON'T TOUCH or approach, LOOK at the wind sock. Get your full face SCUBA
out of the pouch and ready. I keep rechargeable SCUBA gear and green genies for my whole family on hand. White Tyvek are only good for lead contamination.
NOTHING else! Yellow on the other hand are a little better. Vinyl, PVC, or Nitrile. You have to use the right gloves, boots and TAPE for the job. Fitted Full face
SCUBA is always the best unless you're working bio weapons with positive pressure suits and 1/4" of vacuum on the room. Have fun with that! NOT ME. EVER.

The worst thing I ever SAW, was a guy on fire inside a WRONGLY taped puff suit. The right tape would have stopped the acid breach. The only thing not burned
was his face. The suit was glued to him. He never lost consciousness. I'll never forget his eyes. HE LIVED. Never a peep not one single word.
He was in a Turnstyle, hydro-blasting, he hit a pure source of acid that wasn't locked out correctly. It BLEW him out of the turnstyle running in circles, on fire.
The water hit the acid and turned into a fire ball. I was working on a vacuum tanker at the time. Took me straight back to Cambodia and tunnel people
survivors. We hauled the bad ones to Australia for burn treatment.

I guess it is better to be ignorant and completely safe. I've worked opium field ratification in Mexico too. They only killed certain fields. The US liberated a lot
of the dope for International Pharmaceutical companies. FREE RAW PRODUCT. Just had to pay for the fuel cost.

Drugs are a BIG industry, ALCOHOL is the scourge of humanity, but a pretty good solvent, fuel and antiseptic. I like vinegar on my salad and I make my own BBQ
sauce and vinegar from MY grapes. I do use rye vodka and a Spanish olive oil to make around 5 gallons (of three types) of vanilla per year.
I am addicted to vanilla, I admit it. Drugs not so much. I'm a crazy grandpa, not a hippy grandpa (maybe a little).

Every hippy I knew grew up to be a GOOD republicans, democrats or died thinking they were. Me, I just vote for myself. The only smart vote I ever cast. I write myself in on everything. It's a TRUST ISSUE.. I'm not paranoid. (maybe a little).

As far as OCB (obsessive-compulsive Behavior) 50% of the people on earth recognize they are prone to OCD or have addictive tendencies,
the OTHER 50% are just in denial. Between the curbs, AY?

Just the facts Ma'am
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Audioholic Jedi
Would probably be illegal for her to cross into the US with the cannabis product and the US has plenty of people jailed with as long a sentence for cannabis products. She is a big girl, should know how/what to take abroad or not.

ps at least I'm not aware of changes in such product restrictions at the federal level that would allow importation
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Audioholic Samurai
Absolute total and complete BULL$HIT. I laughed until I almost cried when I saw the lies. I worked directly with DOJ of CA and the FED in the DISPOSAL industry of ALL chemicals as a mechanic for over 20 years. I worked on everything from furnaces, to chemical treatment for cyanide. I did not work on contaminated or radioactive waste directly, only AFTER, if it met OUR specs not the military or NRC 70-90s.

I NEVER gave mouth to mouth without a check filter. The victim could have very well INHAILED a poison or WORSE STDs. You are no help if you die too OR become
contaminated with who know what. A real bad one is Hepatitis. Never had it and don't want any strain of it.

I can't think of a single poison that lethal, that by TOUCHING it it would kill you. Hydrofluoric acid burn is a death sentence, maybe that. That stuff use to scare
me. Stops your heart by consuming the calcium in your blood, 24-48 hours.

FENTANYL, not even close. At least from a disposal perspective, they would burn it along with anything to UP the BTU, refinery or oilfield waste would do it.
They use to MIX PCB oils and burn them too. All about the PPM.

Ingestion, INJECTION, inhalation, but absorption is a TOTAL JOKE. NEVER in 1000 years. I could scoop handfuls of the PILLS (without cuts on my hands) and
never show any sign of absorption. If inhaled, on the other hand. YOU DIE. I learned HOW to keep safe in the 70s. 15 minutes of flushing will just about KILL
The Spanish Flu. NEVER under estimate flushing or showering and scrubbing over and over and over. Breathing it on the other hand, YOU'RE DEAD. Injection
or a prepared absorption PATCH. You have to be careful handling THAT, you don't want to inhale THAT. READ the instructions, DUMMY. What do you think
terminal ill people use for pain relief or WORSE untreatable pain like Huntington's chorea, lupus, degenerative spine disease or ANY arthritis.
Fentanyl patches were developed along with Butts for the purpose of long term pain management.

Narcan is a lifesaver, but when you see it used 30 times on the same person.. YUP!! 30 times on the same person. Twice in one day, my nephew was just
beside himself. Same person within the same shift. I'm surprised it worked, so was he.

BIO-WASTE, that was the spooky one. Sarin, ricin, cyanide, radioactive bio-waste, DON'T TOUCH or approach, LOOK at the wind sock. Get your full face SCUBA
out of the pouch and ready. I keep rechargeable SCUBA gear and green genies for my whole family on hand. White Tyvek are only good for lead contamination.
NOTHING else! Yellow on the other hand are a little better. Vinyl, PVC, or Nitrile. You have to use the right gloves, boots and TAPE for the job. Fitted Full face
SCUBA is always the best unless you're working bio weapons with positive pressure suits and 1/4" of vacuum on the room. Have fun with that! NOT ME. EVER.

The worst thing I ever SAW, was a guy on fire inside a WRONGLY taped puff suit. The right tape would have stopped the acid breach. The only thing not burned
was his face. The suit was glued to him. He never lost consciousness. I'll never forget his eyes. HE LIVED. Never a peep not one single word.
He was in a Turnstyle, hydro-blasting, he hit a pure source of acid that wasn't locked out correctly. It BLEW him out of the turnstyle running in circles, on fire.
The water hit the acid and turned into a fire ball. I was working on a vacuum tanker at the time. Took me straight back to Cambodia and tunnel people
survivors. We hauled the bad ones to Australia for burn treatment.

I guess it is better to be ignorant and completely safe. I've worked opium field ratification in Mexico too. They only killed certain fields. The US liberated a lot
of the dope for International Pharmaceutical companies. FREE RAW PRODUCT. Just had to pay for the fuel cost.

Drugs are a BIG industry, ALCOHOL is the scourge of humanity, but a pretty good solvent, fuel and antiseptic. I like vinegar on my salad and I make my own BBQ
sauce and vinegar from MY grapes. I do use rye vodka and a Spanish olive oil to make around 5 gallons (of three types) of vanilla per year.
I am addicted to vanilla, I admit it. Drugs not so much. I'm a crazy grandpa, not a hippy grandpa (maybe a little).

Every hippy I knew grew up to be a GOOD republicans, democrats or died thinking they were. Me, I just vote for myself. The only smart vote I ever cast. I write myself in on everything. It's a TRUST ISSUE.. I'm not paranoid. (maybe a little).

As far as OCB (obsessive-compulsive Behavior) 50% of the people on earth recognize they are prone to OCD or have addictive tendencies,
the OTHER 50% are just in denial. Between the curbs, AY?

Just the facts Ma'am
Various news reports state that 2 people went into respiratory arrest due to administering CPR to West Point cadets who had ODd on cocaine laced with fentanyl:

>>>A group of five West Point cadets were among six young men who overdosed on what officials believe to have been cocaine laced with the opioid fentanyl while on spring break in South Florida. Police arrived at a rental home in Wilton Manors, Fla. on Thursday and found two men performing CPR on two other men who were unconscious on the lawn. Two other men were unconscious inside the house. Although the two men who were performing CPR didn’t consume the substance they went into respiratory arrest because they were exposed to it when they were performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.<<< (emphasis added)

On the other hand, this suggests that mere contact with it on the skin is not enough to do much:

>>>The scientific literature shows, definitively, that brief contact with fentanyl is not sufficient for it to enter the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier to cause such a rapid overdose. All the way back in 2017, America’s leading toxicological societies noticed the spread of these viral exposure stories and tried to put them to rest; there have since been countless fact-checks and scientific debunkings by major news outlets, including one from The Times’s editorial board. Last month, a 33-year-old clinical toxicologist and emergency-medicine pharmacist named Ryan Feldman co-published a case study about the time he accidentally spilled a mammoth dose of pure liquid fentanyl all over himself at work; he simply washed it off, with no adverse effects.<<<

This article also shoots down the notion that skin contact is sufficient:

>>>This is a dangerous drug and should be dealt with that way. But over the years an entire mythology has grown up around the drug because of these dangers, and this has had some rather odd consequences. Too many people now believe that they can be immediately killed by a fentanyl overdose from any sort of skin contact with the drug, and that's just not true. It's potent and toxic for sure, but you have to be dosed with it for that to happen. . . . There are many such videos of police officers quickly showing overt symptoms or even collapsing after exposure to minute quantities of fentanyl - or even just possible fentanyl - and these are just not pharmacologically possible. Fentanyl is not absorbed through the skin like this. <<<

Novichok can (purportedly) be absorbed through the skin:

>>>The main route of exposure is thought to be through inhalation, although absorption may also occur via skin or mucous membrane exposure. Typically, dermal exposure takes longer to reach toxicity as the agent needs to be absorbed through the skin which forms a natural barrier.<<<

Navalny was reportedly poisoned due to novichok in his underwear:

>>>One of the operatives allegedly involved in the attempt to kill Alexei Navalny has confessed to his role in the plot, and has revealed that the Russian opposition leader was apparently poisoned via his underwear.<<<

So, where am I going with all this? For god's sake people, be safe out there and go commando! It's not worth the risk of being poisoned.
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Audioholic Warlord
Would probably be illegal for her to cross into the US with the cannabis product and the US has plenty of people jailed with as long a sentence for cannabis products. She is a big girl, should know how/what to take abroad or not.

ps at least I'm not aware of changes in such product restrictions at the federal level that would allow importation
The average sentence for marijuana trafficking offenders was 31 months. 89.9% were sentenced to prison. 36.8% were convicted of an offense carrying a mandatory minimum penalty; of those offenders, 74.7% were relieved of that penalty.


Various news reports state that 2 people went into respiratory arrest due to administering CPR to West Point cadets who had ODd on cocaine laced with fentanyl:

>>>A group of five West Point cadets were among six young men who overdosed on what officials believe to have been cocaine laced with the opioid fentanyl while on spring break in South Florida. Police arrived at a rental home in Wilton Manors, Fla. on Thursday and found two men performing CPR on two other men who were unconscious on the lawn. Two other men were unconscious inside the house. Although the two men who were performing CPR didn’t consume the substance they went into respiratory arrest because they were exposed to it when they were performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.<<< (emphasis added)

On the other hand, this suggests that mere contact with it on the skin is enough to do much:

>>>The scientific literature shows, definitively, that brief contact with fentanyl is not sufficient for it to enter the bloodstream and cross the blood-brain barrier to cause such a rapid overdose. All the way back in 2017, America’s leading toxicological societies noticed the spread of these viral exposure stories and tried to put them to rest; there have since been countless fact-checks and scientific debunkings by major news outlets, including one from The Times’s editorial board. Last month, a 33-year-old clinical toxicologist and emergency-medicine pharmacist named Ryan Feldman co-published a case study about the time he accidentally spilled a mammoth dose of pure liquid fentanyl all over himself at work; he simply washed it off, with no adverse effects.<<<

This article also shoots down the notion that skin contact is sufficient:

>>>This is a dangerous drug and should be dealt with that way. But over the years an entire mythology has grown up around the drug because of these dangers, and this has had some rather odd consequences. Too many people now believe that they can be immediately killed by a fentanyl overdose from any sort of skin contact with the drug, and that's just not true. It's potent and toxic for sure, but you have to be dosed with it for that to happen. . . . There are many such videos of police officers quickly showing overt symptoms or even collapsing after exposure to minute quantities of fentanyl - or even just possible fentanyl - and these are just not pharmacologically possible. Fentanyl is not absorbed through the skin like this. <<<

Novichok can (purportedly) be absorbed through the skin:

>>>The main route of exposure is thought to be through inhalation, although absorption may also occur via skin or mucous membrane exposure. Typically, dermal exposure takes longer to reach toxicity as the agent needs to be absorbed through the skin which forms a natural barrier.<<<

Navalny was reportedly poisoned due to novichok in his underwear:

>>>One of the operatives allegedly involved in the attempt to kill Alexei Navalny has confessed to his role in the plot, and has revealed that the Russian opposition leader was apparently poisoned via his underwear.<<<

So, where am I going with all this? For god's sake people, be safe out there and go commando! It's not worth the risk of being poisoned.
As I said it is better to stay away from something if you are NOT trained. BUT the misinformation is for a reason I'm sure. I would rather be exposed to Fentanyl
than gasoline or diesel after YEARS of inhalation exposure. The truth be told, I'm so picky with what I breath, I'd doubt exposure to anything will happen to me.
As far a Fentanyl, I chose to help two very sick friends, who couldn't help themselves. ALS and Huntington's took them both. 3 years and 9 years on the HC.
Thank GOD for good doctors. I was tested twice a week for 11 years working for the DOJ FED. I never tested positive for anything, still don't.
I did juice for two years under a Docs supervision in the 80s. Sports doctor. Sure got BIG, and recovered really quick. I ate more than two horses. LOL


I was contaminated with 17 other guys by TEL.
One guy NEVER recovered. Tetraethyl lead (LILY). I got the quakes ( Parkinson's tick) out of the deal for 8 weeks or so. It was air bound in a shop on a rainy day
A guy was using a carbon ark on a floating buoy that was in an exposed LILY pond. Dupont actually. It smells SWEET, BTW. Same reason that lead base paint when
sprayed smelled sweet. Dupont @ Imron great paint, deadly to breath though.

They just built an Amazon over the old solidified lily ponds, I kid you not. Love canal being exported on steroids. LOL I didn't forget the shut down 25 years ago.
If they only knew. I wouldn't drink water from any well in CA. There is vinyl chloride, nitrates, nitrites and solvents in ALL the wells to 200 feet.
Better off drinking piss though a filter. Unless you like it straight.:)
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Seriously, I have no life.
Absolute total and complete BULL$HIT. I laughed until I almost cried when I saw the lies. I worked directly with DOJ of CA and the FED in the DISPOSAL industry of ALL chemicals as a mechanic for over 20 years. I worked on everything from furnaces, to chemical treatment for cyanide. I did not work on contaminated or radioactive waste directly, only AFTER, if it met OUR specs not the military or NRC 70-90s.

I NEVER gave mouth to mouth without a check filter. The victim could have very well INHAILED a poison or WORSE STDs. You are no help if you die too OR become
contaminated with who know what. A real bad one is Hepatitis. Never had it and don't want any strain of it.

I can't think of a single poison that lethal, that by TOUCHING it it would kill you. Hydrofluoric acid burn is a death sentence, maybe that. That stuff use to scare
me. Stops your heart by consuming the calcium in your blood, 24-48 hours.

FENTANYL, not even close. At least from a disposal perspective, they would burn it along with anything to UP the BTU, refinery or oilfield waste would do it.
They use to MIX PCB oils and burn them too. All about the PPM.

Ingestion, INJECTION, inhalation, but absorption is a TOTAL JOKE. NEVER in 1000 years. I could scoop handfuls of the PILLS (without cuts on my hands) and
never show any sign of absorption. If inhaled, on the other hand. YOU DIE. I learned HOW to keep safe in the 70s. 15 minutes of flushing will just about KILL
The Spanish Flu. NEVER under estimate flushing or showering and scrubbing over and over and over. Breathing it on the other hand, YOU'RE DEAD. Injection
or a prepared absorption PATCH. You have to be careful handling THAT, you don't want to inhale THAT. READ the instructions, DUMMY. What do you think
terminal ill people use for pain relief or WORSE untreatable pain like Huntington's chorea, lupus, degenerative spine disease or ANY arthritis.
Fentanyl patches were developed along with Butts for the purpose of long term pain management.

Narcan is a lifesaver, but when you see it used 30 times on the same person.. YUP!! 30 times on the same person. Twice in one day, my nephew was just
beside himself. Same person within the same shift. I'm surprised it worked, so was he.

BIO-WASTE, that was the spooky one. Sarin, ricin, cyanide, radioactive bio-waste, DON'T TOUCH or approach, LOOK at the wind sock. Get your full face SCUBA
out of the pouch and ready. I keep rechargeable SCUBA gear and green genies for my whole family on hand. White Tyvek are only good for lead contamination.
NOTHING else! Yellow on the other hand are a little better. Vinyl, PVC, or Nitrile. You have to use the right gloves, boots and TAPE for the job. Fitted Full face
SCUBA is always the best unless you're working bio weapons with positive pressure suits and 1/4" of vacuum on the room. Have fun with that! NOT ME. EVER.

The worst thing I ever SAW, was a guy on fire inside a WRONGLY taped puff suit. The right tape would have stopped the acid breach. The only thing not burned
was his face. The suit was glued to him. He never lost consciousness. I'll never forget his eyes. HE LIVED. Never a peep not one single word.
He was in a Turnstyle, hydro-blasting, he hit a pure source of acid that wasn't locked out correctly. It BLEW him out of the turnstyle running in circles, on fire.
The water hit the acid and turned into a fire ball. I was working on a vacuum tanker at the time. Took me straight back to Cambodia and tunnel people
survivors. We hauled the bad ones to Australia for burn treatment.

I guess it is better to be ignorant and completely safe. I've worked opium field ratification in Mexico too. They only killed certain fields. The US liberated a lot
of the dope for International Pharmaceutical companies. FREE RAW PRODUCT. Just had to pay for the fuel cost.

Drugs are a BIG industry, ALCOHOL is the scourge of humanity, but a pretty good solvent, fuel and antiseptic. I like vinegar on my salad and I make my own BBQ
sauce and vinegar from MY grapes. I do use rye vodka and a Spanish olive oil to make around 5 gallons (of three types) of vanilla per year.
I am addicted to vanilla, I admit it. Drugs not so much. I'm a crazy grandpa, not a hippy grandpa (maybe a little).

Every hippy I knew grew up to be a GOOD republicans, democrats or died thinking they were. Me, I just vote for myself. The only smart vote I ever cast. I write myself in on everything. It's a TRUST ISSUE.. I'm not paranoid. (maybe a little).

As far as OCB (obsessive-compulsive Behavior) 50% of the people on earth recognize they are prone to OCD or have addictive tendencies,
the OTHER 50% are just in denial. Between the curbs, AY?

Just the facts Ma'am
Is this ADHD on display, or do you just like to read what you post? Jesus! You're all over the map, here.


Well then keep up. I work on 20 things at once. Not once on 20 things. A left handed thing I'm sure. Right handed understanding is always a little slow but thorough.



Other? Don't ask! and NO show and tell.

We were talking about how poisonous Fentanyl is or is NOT. The fact that I've personally worked with things far worse than drug disposals or handling of drug lab
disposals. The crews bagged, tagged, documented, packed, loaded, transported, delivered and usually disposed of everything BUT radioactive waste.
I always used protection and had a proven hygiene regimen that worked. BY THE BOOK.

I was NEVER self contaminated. We worked around cyanide and H2S, PLUS ONE chemist that NEVER took a shower. He just changed tyveks. His name was "Stinky"

Time to feed the Chickens.
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Audioholic Jedi
I dunno. Doesn't matter much. I doubt anyone here gets 9 years for what amounts to 2 vape cartridges.
Maybe not any more....we still have people in prison for simple cannabis offenses, not all federal cases either. I'd have to look up the basic penalties for importation of controlled sched 1 substances, don't believe quantity has anything to do with it still (we're still in the dark ages on this subject).

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