Only for what is needed- as I wrote, the AVR needs to be hard wired, so let me know where to send the cable.
Hardwiring, as a user, is a PITA. As an installer/contractor, it's just part of my job which is: make it happen and with excellent results. Anything less, and I have failed to do my job.
I did a house for someone who told me t hey wanted to use WiFi for everything and my response was "Good, for you- not gonna happen", then I explained why. He wanted to use ATT and that was a multi-level nightmare. He also had a death grip on Apple Airport stuff and that was another level of crap- more than a month after I was done but teh ATT router was causing problems I called Apple and described the network- that's when I was finally told that Apple doesn't recommend, or support, networks with more than two APple Airport devices. The CI industry fought with them for more than ten years to get the info we needed and this admission only came after they announced the end of development of network hardware. Sure, it's a large house and it was built in a way that is absolutely NOT conducive to RF, so I had to use five Apple Airports and a Luxul router, set up as a switch and Access Point. It still had problems. The next house I did for them has one EERO router and one EERO piece that acts as a mesh extender. It's not like the typical extender, which cuts the speed.
I did install an access point in the garage for the yard (to the West), but the 8500 square foot house is covered by those two EERO pieces and that's all.