Audioholic Warlord
And just yesterday, I read the first report from the recently released Trump IRS tax documents. It contained the news that Trump paid ZERO federal taxes during the last 2 years of his single term in the White House. And, we also learned that no IRS audit of Trump's taxes took place at all during the last 2 years of Trump's single term in the White House.
Compared to all the other things that Trump did while in office, this news alone wasn't very shocking. However, it was in direct violation of the requirement that the IRS always audit the tax returns of all US presidents. I wonder who in the Treasury Dept. issued that order?
Trump had always claimed that he could not comment about his taxes while they were under audit. Now we find out he lied yet again.
All this is preliminary, as it will take some time to wade through that enormous pile of paper. I expect that more shocking news will be revealed in the next few weeks.
Compared to all the other things that Trump did while in office, this news alone wasn't very shocking. However, it was in direct violation of the requirement that the IRS always audit the tax returns of all US presidents. I wonder who in the Treasury Dept. issued that order?
Trump had always claimed that he could not comment about his taxes while they were under audit. Now we find out he lied yet again.
All this is preliminary, as it will take some time to wade through that enormous pile of paper. I expect that more shocking news will be revealed in the next few weeks.

Trump's income taxes were often paltry, newly released documents show
House tax writers voted to disclose the long-sought information and dinged the IRS for delaying a routine audit of the former president.

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