Trump GUILTY of Fraud



Audioholic Samurai
Predictably, Trump is already asking his suckers (AKA supporters) to donate their hard-earned money to him, the self-proclaimed multi billionaire, so he doesn't have to dip into his own billions to pay.

>>>[T]he Trump campaign sent out an email an hour after the ruling calling on his supporters to donate to his presidential bid to “end the which hunt” against him.<<<

It's mind-boggling to me that hard working blue collar people apparently feel compelled to donate their money to a billionaire to help him avoid the consequences of his own actions. If they want to throw pearls to swine it's their choice.


Audioholic Jedi
There's been a lot of misinformation on this point.

The short answer is that this civil action is equitable in nature because the damages involve unjust enrichment and there is therefore no right to a jury trial under NY law.

>>>“The AG checked off non-jury, and there was no motion for a jury,” said the judge, reported Yahoo! and ABC News, among other outlets.

Had Trump’s lawyers made a request for one, he said, he would have denied it because James sought equitable relief that, under New York’s constitution, precludes a jury trial.<<<

Many commentators said that Habba F'd up royally by not filing a request for a jury trial, but this criticism strikes me as misplaced.

FWIW, the U.S. legal system is largely based on the English legal system, which had courts of law and courts of equity. In the U.S., a single court can try cases that are equitable or legal in nature (a few states have courts that are exceptions to this general rule). As a practical matter, the distinction between legal and equitable causes of action has become blurred, but the right to a trial by jury is one example where it can make a difference.

>>>A court of equity is a type of court with the power to grant remedies other than monetary damages. These remedies include injunctions, writs, or specific performance among others. Traditionally, English courts followed a distinction between courts of law, which could grant exclusively monetary damages, and courts of equity, which could not. The Court of Chancery was an example of an early English court of equity.

This distinction between the two types of courts has now largely been dissolved. In the United States, the adoption of Federal Rules of Civil Procedure in 1938 gave courts a combined jurisdiction over matters of law and equity. Bankruptcy courts and certain other state courts (in Delaware, Mississippi, New Jersey and Tennessee) can be considered as a remaining examples of courts of equity.<<<

>>>However, the courts retained the traditional distinction between law and equity for purposes of determining when there was a constitutional right to trial by jury, which led to some difficulty.

The Supreme Court resolved the difficulty by stressing the fundamental nature of the jury trial right and protecting it against diminution through resort to equitable principles.<<<

>>>The Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial applies on the federal level. Unlike the Sixth Amendment, states are not required to guarantee civil trials under the Seventh Amendment. Nonetheless, most states have the right to a civil trial in specific cases to some degree in their state constitutions.<<<

Thanks for the clarification!


Audioholic Field Marshall



Junior Audioholic
The short answer is (...)
I found this amusing and relatable - I often find myself writing email's in the same manner, opening with something like "I have two short comments on the proposal", and then as I write I realise that the opening is often quite an understatement on my part. :D

But in all seriousness, I'm posting this to thank you for your extensive, informative and helpful "coverage" (I think that's a fair word to use) on these cases.

Generally, it'd be far from me to comment on other countries politics, so I won't. But it's interesting to follow this in particular, and honestly your posts are very informative and interesting. So thank you for posting about this.
John Parks

John Parks

Audioholic Samurai
Oops! I just realized my T shirt photos were cropped. Silly me...


I can't wait to see his poll numbers go up once again. The vast majority of voters (present company excluded, of course - y'all never fail to amuse me) know what a corrupt sham this is and every fake indictment and/or ruling only bolster his popularity.



Audioholic Spartan
Oops! I just realized my T shirt photos were cropped. Silly me...
View attachment 65898
View attachment 65899

I can't wait to see his poll numbers go up once again. The vast majority of voters (present company excluded, of course - y'all never fail to amuse me) know what a corrupt sham this is and every fake indictment and/or ruling only bolster his popularity.

John, I'm sure you have Donny's new sneakers on order, I wonder if Lovin' has ordered a pair ? ;)



Audioholic Jedi
John, I'm sure you have Donny's new sneakers on order, I wonder if Lovin' has ordered a pair ? ;)

LOL another sure-fire business venture....but maybe his fans are bigger sneaker heads than I can fathom....


Audioholic Jedi
LOL just listened to the nice boos he got on arrival to sneakercon....and he said something dumb like "lots of emotion" to counter it. What a maroon.

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