Trolling 201: Advanced Flooshing



Sheep said:
The subwoofer that comes with the system is absolute CRAP. Your paying for Satellite speakers, which are no better then the Hsu or Energy systems.

The Hsu has the better subwoofer, but I would take the Energy Satellites over the Hsu's any day.

These Polk are only 399.99 though....... the Energy Act6 is $800.00. Double its price. Do you think these Polk are similar to the Act6? I am about to leave in a few hrs to buy them and I would really like some answers. I dont want to end up with a low end system again.


Full Audioholic
That system will not be "high-end" by any means but it's not a bad price. I wouldn't get it however because I'm not really into home theater so I would focus my cash on a good set of fronts and sub.

The only Polk Audio speakers i've heard came with my old HP computer 6yrs ago. They really sucked. I don't really know much about Polk's HT line but those speakers look pretty small and that sub wouldn't satisfy me.
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Audioholic Ninja
Polk are most definitely NOT high-end speakers. And that is THE kindest thing I can say about them. The Lsi series might be okay...but not these, IMHO. Here's one time I have to agree with Sheep. :eek:

There are LOTS of good deals out there. I just published a thread on Infinity speakers that were being blown out for 39 bucks per that would smoke those little Polk sats.

Don't be in too much of a rush, Ventwood. You'll do yourself a disservice in the long run by not doing your research.


rjbudz said:
Polk are most definitely NOT high-end speakers. And that is THE kindest thing I can say about them. The Lsi series might be okay...but not these, IMHO. Here's one time I have to agree with Sheep. :eek:

There are LOTS of good deals out there. I just published a thread on Infinity speakers that were being blown out for 39 bucks per that would smoke those little Polk sats.

Don't be in too much of a rush, Ventwood. You'll do yourself a disservice in the long run by not doing your research.
Looks like I wont be getting these Polk speakers after all *sigh*. I am now looking into a few speakers.

1. JBL SCS300.7
price - $699.00

2. Hsu Ventriloquist VT-12/STF-1
price - $498 factory-direct; $744 list in stores

3. Energy act6
price - 800.00

(these three i found on this website,

4. BIC Acoustech Cinema Series 6 Speaker System
price - 799.00

(and the 4th speaker is found here,

I am thinking on getting the Act6 or the Acoustech. I've heard that the HSU isnt really great so im staying away from them.

Ern Dog

Audioholic Intern
I'm a big fan of Polk speakers, but I have to admit that their subs aren't that great.


Audioholic Ninja
Ventwood...take a look at this thread and check out the Circuit City link. I don't know if the speakers are sold out by now....but it's worth looking into.

Good luck.

EDIT: Here you go. I recommend 5 of these --->!-1215097712!1158536941549

And one of these --->!-1215097712!1158536941549

This would make one heckuva 5.1 system under $350! Now, go do it and no more "sighing", lol!
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Audioholic Samurai
rjbudz said:
Ventwood...take a look at this thread and check out the Circuit City link. I don't know if the speakers are sold out by now....but it's worth looking into.

Good luck.

EDIT: Here you go. I recommend 5 of these --->!-1215097712!1158536941549

And one of these --->!-1215097712!1158536941549

This would make one heckuva 5.1 system under $350! Now, go do it and no more "sighing", lol!
.....RJ, I'd rather have this than ANY mini-system....two of the Infinity subs would run the system up to about only $500.....


Audioholic Ninja
mulester7 said:
.....RJ, I'd rather have this than ANY mini-system....two of the Infinity subs would run the system up to about only $500.....
Yes, Mulester. This would be a great little system for the money...and I like the idea of dual subs. Add 5 bucks worth of damping material via WnMx's suggestions and this will whoop many systems that cost much more.

The little sats the OP has been looking at will be lost in that largish room of his.


rjbudz said:
Ventwood...take a look at this thread and check out the Circuit City link. I don't know if the speakers are sold out by now....but it's worth looking into.

Good luck.

EDIT: Here you go. I recommend 5 of these --->!-1215097712!1158536941549

And one of these --->!-1215097712!1158536941549

This would make one heckuva 5.1 system under $350! Now, go do it and no more "sighing", lol!
That sounds like a great setup. But one question..... am I able to use that infinity speaker for the center channel? Or will I have to look for a infinity center channel speaker?


Audioholic Warlord
ventwood0 said:
That sounds like a great setup. But one question..... am I able to use that infinity speaker for the center channel? Or will I have to look for a infinity center channel speaker?
Lay it on its side. Wa La, Center Channel.

Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

Will Fry's allow you to return them if you don't like them? If so I'd say it's worth a shot. If not...well, that's a bit more problematic. You can read reviews and surf these forums til you're blue in the face and not be any closer to an answer. Don't get me wrong- research is an important part of the process, but you need a reference point. If you can listen to 10 models of speaker that I have also heard, then discuss our opinions of those ten, then you'd probably know how you'd like an 11th that I describe even if you haven't heard it. But where's that baseline here?

Polk is a good, solid company that makes solid products, but they, like all mfg'ers, engineer to a price point. Most of the smallish, HTIB-ish, 5+1 combos in the sub $400 range are pretty underwhelming. The subs tend to be cheap and the satellites poorly balanced. Most of them are designed to WAF/lifestyle standards instead of built for performance. Many of them have a perceptible "hole" in the response where the tiny midrange can't go low enough to overlap adequately with the subwoofer.

It's tempting to say you get what you pay for, but most world-weary adults know from experience that's not always the case. Take B(l)ose, for instance- you pay for a lot that you don't get. So while high price is rarely a guarentee of high performance, low price doesn't always condemn you to low-fi.

$400 may be a good deal, but there's some questions you need to consider first. Can you spend more? If so, and you're merely trying to save a few bucks, at least look into upper models. If you can only spend $400, have you considered buying a pair of better stereo speakers and adding the rest as you have more money?

What associated gear to you have/plan to have? What will you use the system for; that is, is it primarily for HT/movies? Videogames? Are you looking for good performance with 2CH stereo music?

Again, I don't want to scare you off of what may be a good deal, but remember there are few uniquely good deals at mass retailers. Sometimes you get an almost too good to be true deal on closeouts or open box, but most of the time the big sales put an artificial sense of urgencey on things.

Lastly, powered subs is something I'd prefer to buy new, but buying the other speakers used can usually get you a lot better speakers than you could buy new. If you stick to reputable sellers (ie ones with a lot of good feedback, be it Ebay or Audiogon) you're generally not taking much of a chance. Hardcore gearheads (like myself) often buy equipment simply to try something different. The stuff we sell is usually not very old and is very well cared for. And it's ofen sold for 25%-%50 of the new price. You can often get a set of champagne speakers at a Miller Lite price by buying used.


Rob Babcock said:
Will Fry's allow you to return them if you don't like them? If so I'd say it's worth a shot. If not...well, that's a bit more problematic. You can read reviews and surf these forums til you're blue in the face and not be any closer to an answer. Don't get me wrong- research is an important part of the process, but you need a reference point. If you can listen to 10 models of speaker that I have also heard, then discuss our opinions of those ten, then you'd probably know how you'd like an 11th that I describe even if you haven't heard it. But where's that baseline here?

Polk is a good, solid company that makes solid products, but they, like all mfg'ers, engineer to a price point. Most of the smallish, HTIB-ish, 5+1 combos in the sub $400 range are pretty underwhelming. The subs tend to be cheap and the satellites poorly balanced. Most of them are designed to WAF/lifestyle standards instead of built for performance. Many of them have a perceptible "hole" in the response where the tiny midrange can't go low enough to overlap adequately with the subwoofer.

It's tempting to say you get what you pay for, but most world-weary adults know from experience that's not always the case. Take B(l)ose, for instance- you pay for a lot that you don't get. So while high price is rarely a guarentee of high performance, low price doesn't always condemn you to low-fi.

$400 may be a good deal, but there's some questions you need to consider first. Can you spend more? If so, and you're merely trying to save a few bucks, at least look into upper models. If you can only spend $400, have you considered buying a pair of better stereo speakers and adding the rest as you have more money?

What associated gear to you have/plan to have? What will you use the system for; that is, is it primarily for HT/movies? Videogames? Are you looking for good performance with 2CH stereo music?

Again, I don't want to scare you off of what may be a good deal, but remember there are few uniquely good deals at mass retailers. Sometimes you get an almost too good to be true deal on closeouts or open box, but most of the time the big sales put an artificial sense of urgencey on things.

Lastly, powered subs is something I'd prefer to buy new, but buying the other speakers used can usually get you a lot better speakers than you could buy new. If you stick to reputable sellers (ie ones with a lot of good feedback, be it Ebay or Audiogon) you're generally not taking much of a chance. Hardcore gearheads (like myself) often buy equipment simply to try something different. The stuff we sell is usually not very old and is very well cared for. And it's ofen sold for 25%-%50 of the new price. You can often get a set of champagne speakers at a Miller Lite price by buying used.
I think i'll go with teh Infinity set up. But will placing a speaker on its side let it double as a center chanel speaker?
Hi Ho

Hi Ho

Audioholic Samurai
But will placing a speaker on its side let it double as a center chanel speaker?
There is nothing wrong with placing a speaker on its side. My center speaker is a speaker on it's side and my system sounds excellent.


Audioholic Ninja
ventwood0 said:
I think i'll go with teh Infinity set up. But will placing a speaker on its side let it double as a center chanel speaker?
Yes. But it's more accurate to say you 'can' turn it on its side. You don't have to if it fits upright in your tv/ht setup.

By the way, that was excellent advice from Rob.


rjbudz said:
Yes. But it's more accurate to say you 'can' turn it on its side. You don't have to if it fits upright in your tv/ht setup.

By the way, that was excellent advice from Rob.
I am now either deciding on if I should get the Energy Act6, Acoustech Cinema Series 6 Speaker System, or the Infinity setup recomended

Will using those 5 infinity speakers +sub really beat the Energy Act6 or the Polk setup?


Audioholic Ninja
ventwood0 said:
I am now either deciding on if I should get the Energy Act6, Acoustech Cinema Series 6 Speaker System, or the Infinity setup recomended

Will using those 5 infinity speakers +sub really beat the Energy Act6 or the Polk setup?
It's not even a contest...the Infinities+sub are geometrically better than any sat system you can find, and amazingly, they are CHEAPER!! These are once in a lifetime prices on the Infinity Primus 150 speakers, Ventwood.

Feel free to take a poll amongst the thousands of members here on Audioholics and you'll get a 99% 'go' for the Infinities over the others. But don't delay too long. They've been selling out at stores.

Now, all that said, Rob is exactly right, the sound may not be to your liking. How important is your budget? There are a bazillion different priorities to worry about. But my recommendation, if this is your general budget for speakers, is for you to buy these Infinities RIGHT NOW while they are on this close-out sale. Return them later if you don't like them. I believe Circuit City has a generous return policy. (I have no connection to CC.)

I'll say it one more time....these are MUCH better performing speakers than the sat systems you've been looking at. Further, member WnMx has put out some cheap, DIY, minor modifications that will improve their performance nicely (another thread).

(This is an 'inside' joke....but if you ask again, I'm going to start calling you rak_32. ;) )


rjbudz said:
It's not even a contest...the Infinities+sub are geometrically better than any sat system you can find, and amazingly, they are CHEAPER!! These are once in a lifetime prices on the Infinity Primus 150 speakers, Ventwood.

Feel free to take a poll amongst the thousands of members here on Audioholics and you'll get a 99% 'go' for the Infinities over the others. But don't delay too long. They've been selling out at stores.

Now, all that said, Rob is exactly right, the sound may not be to your liking. How important is your budget? There are a bazillion different priorities to worry about. But my recommendation, if this is your general budget for speakers, is for you to buy these Infinities RIGHT NOW while they are on this close-out sale. Return them later if you don't like them. I believe Circuit City has a generous return policy. (I have no connection to CC.)

I'll say it one more time....these are MUCH better performing speakers than the sat systems you've been looking at. Further, member WnMx has put out some cheap, DIY, minor modifications that will improve their performance nicely (another thread).

(This is an 'inside' joke....but if you ask again, I'm going to start calling you rak_32. ;) )
Thanks, i'll go ahead and order those infinity's now. $40.00 x 5 isnt bad. I think i'll look else where for a subwoofer though. Any suggestions for a sub that will go along nicely with the infnity's?

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