It's not even a contest...the Infinities+sub are geometrically better than any sat system you can find, and amazingly, they are CHEAPER!! These are once in a lifetime prices on the Infinity Primus 150 speakers, Ventwood.
Feel free to take a poll amongst the thousands of members here on Audioholics and you'll get a 99% 'go' for the Infinities over the others. But don't delay too long. They've been selling out at stores.
Now, all that said, Rob is exactly right, the sound may not be to your liking. How important is your budget? There are a bazillion different priorities to worry about. But my recommendation, if this is your general budget for speakers, is for you to buy these Infinities RIGHT NOW while they are on this close-out sale. Return them later if you don't like them. I believe Circuit City has a generous return policy. (I have no connection to CC.)
I'll say it one more time....these are MUCH better performing speakers than the sat systems you've been looking at. Further, member WnMx has put out some cheap, DIY, minor modifications that will improve their performance nicely (another thread).
(This is an 'inside' joke....but if you ask again, I'm going to start calling you rak_32.
