It's really unfortunate that your country has an inadequate Constitution so does France's.
Ultimately if the constitution is being subverted by a majority of the legislative, then it ends up failing.
This applies in all cases.
The legislature had the opportunity to support the constitution, and chose to support Trump instead....
The legalities are clear - but the legalities become meaningless in the absence of enforcement, particularly with a willful and intentional flouter of the laws.
France has been through a series of major constitutional reorganisations, and current is operating as the "5th Republic" - since the constitutional changes of 1958.
The USA avoided such wholesale changes, by using the constitutional amendments mechanism.
For the USA to survive as a republic, will almost certainly require either a 2nd Republic (in the French model) or some major constitutional amendments....
Looking at the French model - there have been periods of absolute monarchy between some of those 5 republics! - And Trump is very clearly aiming for an absolute dictatorship (whatever you call it.... recently he chose "King")...
It is worthy of note, that looking at other historical precedents, such changes have almost never been bloodless.... Trump has set the stage for revolution(s).