I'll bet more music has been because of this post than could be imagined. Of all these posts all, are good i have my opinions on some of them though,(Zeppelin amazing band collectively. Not real impressed separately. I guess they just fedd off each other to become rock icons) I can't believe that Lindsey Buckingham was only mentioned once. A few that do need mention:
James Burton?- (Elvis's lead guitar)
Justin Haywood- (Moody Blues, known more for his lyrics)
John Denver- (Amazing how he could finger pick a 12 sting)
David Crosby, Stephen Stills, Grahm Nash
Jerry Garcia- I've just read about his accoustic work, Need to find some.
Gary Moore- Thin Lizzy
Tommy Shaw- Awsome
What about Kenny Loggins, Gordon Lightfoot, Jim Croce?
Chris Thompsan & Steve Waller (Both from Manfred Mann's Earth Band)
Kiss Would have gone nowhere without Ace Frehley. I think Stanley is a legend in his own mind.
As you can see, I'm more into accoustic guitar than electric. These are just a few of my thoughts. It would be fun to read a sting like this on Drummers. That would be good as well.