I am looking for a bag like that (saw it before in your pics)!! Any suggestions on something similar?
Yes, the slide release is pretty stiff on mine which is why I end up cycling it a lot already at home. The one I shot at the range as a rental had been well worn in and worked fine. I actually have not had mine apart yet, since I have only had less than 100 rounds through it so far. Been too busy with a big project at work and soon to be changing jobs to get out shooting much.
I actually didn't like the mag release on the HK, but I think that would just take some getting used to. Basically, relearning that slight difference. My thumb did not naturally go right to it, but oddly I found I could actually work it quickly with my index finger instead. A small thing, but one I don't want to have to think about, I want it to come naturally. Other than that, I liked the feel and performance.
The next classes here aren't for a few months

Maybe I will have less work by then so I can go