Time to buy a gun ... again



Audioholic Ninja
Some company bought the rights to remake the Henry repeating rifle. They've already released new production models utilizing some modern technology/processes, but are working on releasing a version that is built to the original specs as well. When we heard this both of us said simultaneously "We gotta get one!" :)

I'm also considering one of these:

Read this
Kel-Tec KSG - Page 4

Though they seemed to have fixed his issues.


Audioholic Jedi
Read this
Kel-Tec KSG - Page 4

Though they seemed to have fixed his issues.
Yeah, I think I heard there were a few issues with it. It is pretty new, only out less than a year I think, so I'll wait until the bugs are ironed out. It is a want since we already have a shotgun :)


Audioholic Ninja
Anyone interested in a rare only 250 will be made

HK 45 compact in tan... It might be 45 compact tactical, still waiting on the word of the group buy....

Lower right model in this picture... obviously the suppressor will NOT come with it... LOL



Audioholic Jedi
Wow that's nice. I shot the compact and wasn't happy with the feel unfortunately, so I'd need a full size. I do like the look though.

I wanted my M&P in two-tone, but it is Cabellas exclusive and I have to pay a lot extra to get it.



Audioholic Ninja
Cool.... I had a really rough time with the M&P's ergos.... they are good, but extremely hard operating, like the slide release needed to be broken in for 5000 rounds before they are smooth... almost needed two hands to get the slide to release on the model I was running.... thats not smooth enough for me...

The 45 ct fits me perfectly.... I love shooting that machine, taking it to Vegas with me the week of the 20th for a Tactical Handgun class....

I'm sure you'd be more comfy with the Full size USP 45 Tactical....

I got a pair of them.... Black and Tan... Had to grab one of the very rare Tan's - she's a super sweet shooter...


Audioholic Jedi
I am looking for a bag like that (saw it before in your pics)!! Any suggestions on something similar?

Yes, the slide release is pretty stiff on mine which is why I end up cycling it a lot already at home. The one I shot at the range as a rental had been well worn in and worked fine. I actually have not had mine apart yet, since I have only had less than 100 rounds through it so far. Been too busy with a big project at work and soon to be changing jobs to get out shooting much.

I actually didn't like the mag release on the HK, but I think that would just take some getting used to. Basically, relearning that slight difference. My thumb did not naturally go right to it, but oddly I found I could actually work it quickly with my index finger instead. A small thing, but one I don't want to have to think about, I want it to come naturally. Other than that, I liked the feel and performance.

The next classes here aren't for a few months :( Maybe I will have less work by then so I can go :)


Audioholic Spartan
I'd love to have a full sized USP .45 or 9mm, but they are kinda pricey for me. I do agree about the slide release on the M&P being very stiff at first, but I prefer to pull the slide back to release it anyway.


anyone interested in a rare only 250 will be made

hk 45 compact in tan... It might be 45 compact tactical, still waiting on the word of the group buy....

Lower right model in this picture... Obviously the suppressor will not come with it... Lol

hell yes!!!!


Forgot to post the link for this....
Possibility of a Group buy for the HK45c in Tan?

Gotta register at HK-Pro Forums to get in on the GB....

I'm in for 2 of them - One for me and I'll sell off one at a later date as they'll be a collectors item...
I'll have to think about that one over the weekend.

A lot of unknowns on that one. Would be nice if they had something more firm or at least the costs for a custom job if that's the way it goes. I could imagine there would be a significant bump up from MSRP if this was a 200 to 250 custom order. Then with my luck they'd release the same model the following year for full production. There's have to be some sort of special engraving or numbering. Just a special color on the frame for a huge up-charge won't lure me in.

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