mike C, you can visit their site but I don't believe you can read their reviews. I have the hard copy so I just copied the part where they talked about the power of the two receivers.
I am sure everyone knows that we can't just go by what the reveiwers tell us, but they do represent at least view points by people who are used to listening to different gear. Your taste and perception may differ, and you may want to base your decision on what you hear yourself.
BTW, I edited my previous post to emphasize that I am not trying to say the power supply doesn't matter. It does, but even the strongest power supply will not send higher currents than what the source signal and load impedance call for. One more point to make about the 235/335, their specified "maximum power consumption" is 890 watts. This sounds huge compared with the "power consumption" figures labelled at the back of those Yamaha, Pioneer and Denon receivers. However, Yamaha & Denon do not give away their "maximum", so we should not compare apples and oranges. If you look at the 235's manual, there is a picture of the back panel label that says power input (i.e. power consumption) "120V 60 Hz 370W"
There is no mentioning of the 890W "maximum" except on page 54 under the technical specification. My point is, that apparently huge 890W is for "maximum" only. Any power supply of reasonably high quality can deliver much more on short term basis, that's simply the characteristics of transformers, they have very good inherent overload capability.