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Audioholic Warlord
I go away for 4 hours, and this thread grows like a rash :rolleyes:

Here's my stance,

We (the members) only have a right to complain, if we sacrafice something. We don't pay to use these forums, its free. We don't give up ANYTHING to come here, read reviews, and get the low-down on new tech. etc etc. It's free.

We can get 1 on 1 adivce from the head of the website, and anyone who works here, for free. Seems like a good deal to me. Why spoil it?

Until we have to pay to come here(not saying it will happen), and the free ride is over, We have no right to complain, about anything.

mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
mike c said:
for the record, I was the ignorant guy who started the thread.
I seem to have this stupid habit of asking questions about things I do not know. I can't shake that off.

I guess its fun to say "ignorance is bliss" (I've been waiting for the chance to use it myself ... since the movie the Matrix) unfortunately, somebody has to be ignorant for me to use it.


mtrycrafts said:
Would this mean that what you see and hear is absolute? Infallible? Or, you just believe what you see and hear? Science tests these senses all the time, over the centuries and has some pretty good understanding of its reliability and its weakness. If you want to expand your knowledge base, you have come to the right place.
Well I guess the cable manufacturers have done a brilliant job of marketing.
Anyway, all I can tell you is that when I upgraded cables, especially my Kimber D60, the music sounded fuller and richer. Or perhaps my mind just believed so because I paid more for it... :rolleyes:

This Stereo Times article argues the same case. (Funny and EXCELLENT article)

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Audioholic Samurai
miklorsmith said:
Audiogon reviews individual posts and deletes them if they don't "comply" with their view of the world. Users generally accept that forum for what it is.

How about Audio Asylum? This has the most traffic of any of the boards I know of. I can't stand their format, so much so that I only rarely visit even though many of the folks share my views about audio.

Nobody's perfect. I think this forum does an excellent job of catering to its users.
ive completely given up on using (or even reading) the threads at audiogon,they act like nazi germany with their policy of 110% censorship of everything:mad: , remember when you could post anything audio related at audiogon & have discussions? now every last post is screened then rescreened by moderators before anything gets posted:mad: ,there is a limit to how many threads i can read titled "WHATS YOUR FAVORITE PATRICIA BARBER ALBUM" .

i agree about audio asylums format,its too bad because there are many members there who have alot of audio knowledge but for me the format is way too time consuming & frustrating to read or post.


Audioholic Samurai
Sheep said:
I go away for 4 hours, and this thread grows like a rash :rolleyes:

Here's my stance,

We (the members) only have a right to complain, if we sacrafice something. We don't pay to use these forums, its free. We don't give up ANYTHING to come here, read reviews, and get the low-down on new tech. etc etc. It's free.

We can get 1 on 1 adivce from the head of the website, and anyone who works here, for free. Seems like a good deal to me. Why spoil it?

Until we have to pay to come here(not saying it will happen), and the free ride is over, We have no right to complain, about anything.

Incredibly good point from one of the youngest members here.

Why would we want to bite the hand that feeds us?

Speaking only for myself, and I'm not sucking up, to anyone, the advice and information I've recieved here has been invaluable. Sure some of it has been over my head and over my budget, but as with everything else; you take it with a grain of salt.

A few people complained of censorship on other sites. I don't know for sure but I'd suspect threads such as this were a contributing factor in those decisions.

Zumbo, Your posts here show you have a good knowledge of audio. Without a doubt, surpassing my knowledge. I've developed respect for you in the time I've been here. But I gotta say I'm disappointed in this thread.

This may be a free site. But that doesn't make it a free democracy. These guys are here to make money. I respect that. They have the right to make the rules.


Audioholic Spartan
NomoSony said:
Zumbo, Your posts here show you have a good knowledge of audio. Without a doubt, surpassing my knowledge. I've developed respect for you in the time I've been here. But I gotta say I'm disappointed in this thread.

This may be a free site. But that doesn't make it a free democracy. These guys are here to make money. I respect that. They have the right to make the rules.
Thanks for the kind comments. I am in no way an expert. Far from it to be correct. I have a good ear(IMO), and some decent reading skills. I happened up on the things mentioned in post #15. I was, in no way, looking to start-up a mess. I found a mistake. That's it. I felt as though it needed to be pointed-out for the members to make the proper correction in their players. I got the short-end of the stick. My feathers got ruffled. So, I brought it here. I did not design this site. It clearly states, "if you've got a beef, post here." So, I did.

I am sorry for your disappointment, but I hope you were able to come away with proper dvd settings.
Bass management in a dvd player is only for multi-channel analog out. Bass management is bypassed when using digital-out(dvd). Bass management in most receivers is bypassed when m/c analog input is used. Both devices must be set for proper frequencies to be sent to your speakers, if both connections are made and used.

These guys do make the rules of this site, but that doesn't override the rules printed in the manuals of the equipment we use.;)

And, I did follow the rules. When I had enough, I brought it to the Steam Vent.
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Seriously, I have no life.
stevo137 said:
Well I guess the cable manufacturers have done a brilliant job of marketing.
stevo137 said:
Yes, indeed, they do, in all consumer marketplace, not just in audio. Marketing science is a high skill, been practiced for centuries.

Anyway, all I can tell you is that when I upgraded cables, especially my Kimber D60, the music sounded fuller and richer. Or perhaps my mind just believed so because I paid more for it...

This is what science can test, to see if you really heard what you think you perceived. But, it would be under a bit different circumstance than what you did. Since this is sonic differences you are testing, you will not see which component cable is played for you, you would have to guess that it was the D60, and do it 15 of 20 tries with random swaps. To date, no one has succeeded. But, who knows, you may be the first on the planet. This is what science does, very well.
Oh, who knows why your biases chose that D60. Maybe it was the looks, the numbering, any number of reasons it convinced you.

This Stereo Times article argues the same case. (Funny and EXCELLENT article)


No reason to argue. Test your claim under DBT protocol. You could be the one.


Seriously, I have no life.
miklorsmith said:
Suffice to say I'm not interested in defining the parameters of perception and questioning their reliability. If I like something, that's good enough for me.
miklorsmith said:
Oh, yes, I do that too when I like something. I just am careful what I claim or don't claim about it.


Seriously, I have no life.
highfihoney said:
haha,funny stuff but its true,the sad thing about what you said is that many newer people to this hobby fully believe that all gear sounds the same & any old $189 amplifier will be just as good as a high quality amp & then they offer advice on their untested beliefs.

Did you ever read that link about that cheap integrated Yam and a $15k pair of monoblocks or whatever they are?

Just of many others in the history of audio.


Full Audioholic
I for one have gotten much valuable info from this site. Partly by what was written in statments and reveiws and partly by how much research the statments made me do on my own. I think there is a bit of responsibility to whomever to do some leg work on your own. Make some comparisions etc. I never thought the opinions posted in reviews or other articles are meant to be as gospel to anyone. My .02
I have to say that the one thing that kept me from taking this too seriously was the hilariously off-topic interjections of mtrycrafts and stevo137 who apparently just can't help themselves when it comes to arguing about cable "sound"...

I'm surprised y'all didn't get into the "Don't Go Hunting witht the VP" or the "Dumb&^% of the Day" thread yet.

Having to have the last word is a sickness... oh wait, I just did. :)

PS. For further clarification - when we labeled the Steam Vent with "If you have a beef" - we didn't mean with us. That stuff needs to be handled exclusively in PM, not in public from now on. This will be the last public forum for criticisng what we do or how we do it. It's censorship, but so is not allowing your 10-year-old to get up on a pulpit at church and criticize your parenting skills. Thanks for understanding and I think we've been reasonably courteous.
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