We all need to remember that Audio is more or less subjective, while we can give out reviews, and response graphs, etc... (These things are needed don't get me wrong), but every individual is different, just like every home, every system, every cable...they are all different. A system that sounds wonderful in one room might sound like crap in another. And if someone like Bose, Monster, Sony, Blue Jeans, AVS , HSU, and others...who the freak cares in the end? If they want to spend $500 on a cable that "sounds" the same as a $20 cable and if it sounds good to them more power to them. Will there be bashing of brands...YES, because people get too set in what they like. There is no perfect system, nor cable, nor forum...
As for the Audioholics team not taking correction...I find that to be untrue (not saying that it isn't true for you) I personally have corrected Clint (sorry, the cat is out of the bag

) on several occasions, not on forum issues, but rather review issues...he has always thanked me for catching the error and made the correction.
While Audioholics might "favor" the web companies...that is their prerogative, heck, those companies are paying the bills.
I think everyone just needs to sit back, relax, and have a _____ (inset fav. beverage here).