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I have been privately scolded when I have stated obvious truths about this site. I also love the site and use it all the time. I appreciate that it a "for profit" venture. So why get all touchy when it is pointed out that MOST of the reviews and nearly all the gear in your "Advertisment House":rolleyes: and the 75k system are sponsers? RBH, AV123, Emotive, Impact Acustics, DVI Gear, Ble Jean Cables, Rives Audio. Its not a seceret is it?


Audioholic Jedi
As for the 8ohm vs 4ohm, it's intent was for support of the speaker companies who get shunned with the shallow statements by many members about the speakers. I wanted, in some way, to wake people up to many fine 4ohm speakers that are overlooked.
I don't know what you're talking about. I've never once said someone shouldn't buy 4 Ohm speakers, and I can't say that I've seen anyone else say that either. I always warn them that low impedance speakers will require a better amp than would normally be needed to handle the greater load placed on the amp. Find the speakers you like, THEN get an amp suitable to them for your room/listening needs. I don't see how that correlates to saying "don't buy 4 Ohm speakers".


Audioholic Spartan
j_garcia said:
I don't know what you're talking about. I've never once said someone shouldn't buy 4 Ohm speakers, and I can't say that I've seen anyone else say that either. I always warn them that low impedance speakers will require a better amp than would normally be needed to handle the greater load placed on the amp. Find the speakers you like, THEN get an amp suitable to them for your room/listening needs. I don't see how that correlates to saying "don't buy 4 Ohm speakers".
I didn't mention j_garcia. Did I? It was about a reply I got listed in post #15. Nothing to do with you at all!

Somehow, you have repeated what I have already said, over-and-over. This isn't the first time, now is it?
zumbo said:
I just don't pick a speaker because it's 8ohm. I pick one because I like the way it sounds. If it's 4ohm, I choose the best match I can afford to drive it. Many people are missing out on a variety of great sounding speakers by limiting their choices. I just feel there are more positive points of a 4 ohm speaker that are missed, and I would like to see some of those things shown to support these companies who make such fine products.
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Seriously, I have no life.
miklorsmith said:
. You will be ridiculed and asked ad nauseum about how you "know" your perceptions are correct. . . .

You think that is not a fair question to ask? Especially when science shows us how gullible humans are and how unreliable senses can be???
This site is a lot about audio science than audio voodoo, mythology, bs or urban legend, that is why this site is better than most if not all others.
Besides, no one is forced to participate as it is all voluntary.


Seriously, I have no life.
stevo137 said:
Miklorsmith, ty for your response.
My simple answer would be "I know by what I hear or see."

Would this mean that what you see and hear is absolute? Infallible? Or, you just believe what you see and hear? Science tests these senses all the time, over the centuries and has some pretty good understanding of its reliability and its weakness. If you want to expand your knowledge base, you have come to the right place.


Seriously, I have no life.
thoward4444 said:
I also like to read about SheepStar. That dude is funny as hell.

Great:D We need all the fun we can get especially around here, at times:)


Audioholic Spartan
j_garcia said:
I don't know what you're talking about.
That's it, in a nutshell.

This is a second thread of mine that you have contributed nothing to, but find it necessary to post BS. You disagreed with me the whole way through the Audioholics OOPS! thread, and in the end, agreed and said I misunderstood you. Classic.:rolleyes:

j_garcia said:
For the second part, you don't need to use the RCA connections for DVDs if you are using a digital connection, but you can use it on another input for odd cases like additional zones that accept only stereo analog inputs. You wouldn't connect both RCA and digital to the DVD source because it will only use one or the other; my receiver gives priority to digital so RCA would be ignored.

It isn't 100% clear, but it is more or less correct.
zumbo said:
BOTH connections (digital and 6ch analog) are needed. And, BOTH components MUST have bass management set, if the receiver bypasses BM with 6ch analog inputs. Most do.
j_garcia said:
Yes, that's it in a nutshell. Mine bypasses for the m/c input (7CH INPUT is what it's called on mine).
zumbo said:
That is what I have been trying to tell you this whole time. Glad to see you got it.
j_garcia said:
I know what you were trying to say, but I'm not sure you understood what I was trying to say. No need to continue on this one though, it just adds more to an issue that is not as complicated as this thread seems to be making it.
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thoward4444 said:
I also like to read about SheepStar. That dude is funny as hell.

Ok, that's enough Sheep! Stop paying these people to say nice things about you! ;)


This site threatens to ban anyone who calls them out on any of the above.

Ok I think you are right on that one thing about this site. I've been banned for a week because " I let someone get into my head"...according to this site. If I remember the subject that got me so hot was "should Sony die..." posted by a guy who is a micro**** ooops i'm sorry I did it again!!! microsoft fan. And everyone was bashing Sony on that thread. Personnaly I don't own anything Sony except the crt tv that I got from my cousin free of charge because I bought his car. It''s insane to even badmouthing a company like Sony who was at the forefront of innovation in the audiovisual field. It's just not fair...yet I do understand now that part of the Gospel in this site is Sony bashing. Just look at those threads about bluray and you'll see my point. And true who ever deviates from the "Truth" is subjected to the wrath of the high priests.
But to be fair I do learn a lot from this site too because the people who are part of this site are very knowledgeable.
Bottom line, take whatever you need and run away from what you don't like.


Full Audioholic
mtrycrafts said:
You think that is not a fair question to ask? . . .
Suffice to say I'm not interested in defining the parameters of perception and questioning their reliability. If I like something, that's good enough for me.

Anybody with a contrary opinion, fine. I have my system, others have theirs, and we don't have to share. There's really no use belaboring these questions.

As to the site, to expect ANY public forum to be perfect for everyone is ludicrous. Audiogon reviews individual posts and deletes them if they don't "comply" with their view of the world. Users generally accept that forum for what it is.

How about Audio Asylum? This has the most traffic of any of the boards I know of. I can't stand their format, so much so that I only rarely visit even though many of the folks share my views about audio.

Nobody's perfect. I think this forum does an excellent job of catering to its users.


Audioholic Jedi
I didn't say you singled me out, but most of the others here also say the same thing I do. You seem to be making a generalization about some things, but then want to say it isn't directed at anyone in particular.

zumbo said:
That's it, in a nutshell.

This is a second thread of mine that you have contributed nothing to, but find it necessary to post BS. You disagreed with me the whole way through the Audioholics OOPS! thread, and in the end, agreed and said I misunderstood you. Classic.:rolleyes:
Sorry man, I read your question in that thread and I don't agree with what you were saying. Their article is correct, though not 100% clear and does not cover all cases, which was beyond the scope of what they were trying to say in it. You said it was incorrect, and it is not. There are a lot of "IFs" in there...IF you are using a player that has hires capability, THEN and ONLY THEN do you need to even look at the bass management in the player. If you are not using the m/c output from the player, those settings in the player do NOTHING. Is this correct? Yes. So how would that make their article incorrect? That is what I was saying, and I'm not sure you are getting that.


Audioholic Spartan
j_garcia said:
I didn't say you singled me out, but most of the others here also say the same thing I do. You seem to be making a generalization about some things, but then want to say it isn't directed at anyone in particular.

Sorry man, I read your question in that thread and I don't agree with what you were saying. Their article is correct, though not 100% clear and does not cover all cases, which was beyond the scope of what they were trying to say in it. You said it was incorrect, and it is not. There are a lot of "IFs" in there...IF you are using a player that has hires capability, THEN and ONLY THEN do you need to even look at the bass management in the player. If you are not using the m/c output from the player, those settings in the player do NOTHING. Is this correct? Yes. So how would that make their article incorrect? That is what I was saying, and I'm not sure you are getting that.
That is correct. The settings do nothing if you are not using the multi analog out. So, the article shoudn't say NOT to set both. It should say to use the receiver's bass management. And, it should say the players bass management is only used in m/c analog out. It doesn't. It says NOT to use both, and so did you. Then, you changed your mind and claim I misunderstood you.


Audioholic Chief
We all need to remember that Audio is more or less subjective, while we can give out reviews, and response graphs, etc... (These things are needed don't get me wrong), but every individual is different, just like every home, every system, every cable...they are all different. A system that sounds wonderful in one room might sound like crap in another. And if someone like Bose, Monster, Sony, Blue Jeans, AVS , HSU, and others...who the freak cares in the end? If they want to spend $500 on a cable that "sounds" the same as a $20 cable and if it sounds good to them more power to them. Will there be bashing of brands...YES, because people get too set in what they like. There is no perfect system, nor cable, nor forum...

As for the Audioholics team not taking correction...I find that to be untrue (not saying that it isn't true for you) I personally have corrected Clint (sorry, the cat is out of the bag :p ) on several occasions, not on forum issues, but rather review issues...he has always thanked me for catching the error and made the correction.

While Audioholics might "favor" the web companies...that is their prerogative, heck, those companies are paying the bills.

I think everyone just needs to sit back, relax, and have a _____ (inset fav. beverage here).:cool:
I think some people have had their feelings hurt. It happens, and we're not infallible. We will intrude, more often than not, in order to prevent misinformation and broadbrushing. There are plenty of other forums/sites that just let stuff go on forever... and people just get fed up and leave.

Also: "This site threatens to ban anyone who calls them out on any of the above."

When have I ever threatened anyone? I just ban them. :)

Seriously, I think all have stated their positions. If there is any more constructive feedback, cool - otherwise I'd like to wrap this up.


Audioholic Spartan
I agree. Lock this puppy down.;) Or delete it. I'm fine with either. It has got out of hand.

Oh, and thanks for listening.
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Audioholic Samurai
miklorsmith said:
Stevo137 - Many or most here think a carrot will sound as good as a quality cable if you could figure out how to connect it to your rig. You will be ridiculed and asked ad nauseum about how you "know" your perceptions are correct. Same with amps, CDP's, and anything else save speakers and acoustics.

Just a warning . . .
haha,funny stuff but its true,the sad thing about what you said is that many newer people to this hobby fully believe that all gear sounds the same & any old $189 amplifier will be just as good as a high quality amp & then they offer advice on their untested beliefs.


Audioholic Spartan
Clint DeBoer said:
Also: "This site threatens to ban anyone who calls them out on any of the above."

When have I ever threatened anyone? I just ban them. :)
Just for fun. I have a decent memory.;)
Clint DeBoer said:
There are two different kinds of people in this world. Those who can admit they're wrong, and those who change the subject.

If I hear one more new "Audioholics does this" redirect thrown in here by certain people who-shall-remain-nameless-even-though-you'd-have-to-be-from-Mars-to-not-know-who-I'm-talking-about I'm hitting the ban button...

I love free speech, Canuck. Feel free to exercise it somewhere I'm not paying for it.


Audioholic Samurai
i like this site.

im still pretty new here but from the time ive spent here i like this site & i also believe that this site gives out the most truthfull & helpful information of any audio site.


Audioholic Spartan
I love this site. It's the only audio site I visit, unless I am searching a particular product, and another one comes-up in the Google. There is always room for improvement with anything.
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