.....nice questions, Mtrycrafts, based on thought....who said ear-splitting loud?....efficient or inefficient makes no difference.....
.....Mtrycrafts, you got 4 ohm mains?....order one of the QSC RMX 2450's for $599....you'll have 60 days to mail it back....I'll pay the shipping back....only Mtrycrafts, guys, haha, him bein' a Samurai and all....or, you could order that slave amp Jaxvon suggested that is 600 watts per at 8, for only $3900.....
.....edit....some are thinking no difference will be heard until reference levels....I assure you, you will hear the tighter low end, low, moderately, and, thrillingly, at reference levels....reference level doesn't mean offensively !LOUD!, or ear-taxing at all....straighten up.....