The Great January Audio Gear Exchange



Audioholic Warlord
I just want to interject with a quick thanks to swerd and dan for the recipes and tips on the brisket, good stuff, the sauce was good the brisket was amazing, I feel like Im going to burst and I ate 5 hours ago.... I ended up using apple and cherry wood in the smoker and it came amazing... I didn't take all the credit, I told everyone that the recipe was from a couple friends on the audio forum, I was going to say I made it up but I didn't , besides no one would have believed it, lol... I really didnt do anything, my butcher got the meats all ready, my housekeeper made the sauce and prepped the meat, I did carry it to the smoker though , {since Im slingless today} and then the smoker did the rest {it has probes to tell you when the meat is done}. So I really just paid for everything and carried it, I set it up so everyone could cut off what they wanted, I just made a few slices to get it started...

But anyway, thanks again, I appreciate it as did my guests, what didnt get eaten my housekeeper boxed up for some guests that wanted doggie bags... and its a good thing I made so much extra because we had 6 more people than we expected and the kids were ferocious carnivores this evening, one of my sons and his friend made themselves a sandwich with what looked like a 1lb piece of brisket and a cup of sauce, they split it and were eating it at the counter bar while everyone was getting their coats... We now have 7 kids plus my 2 sleeping over tonight, so 9 boys between the ages of 11-14 in the guest house, I made sure the parental locks were on the tv and the bar is locked lol, worse they can do it drink a bunch of coffee, oh man, I better go lock up the coffee........................
I'm really glad to hear how well the smoked brisket came out for you. That smoker sounds excellent. It takes all the mystery out of barbeque.

I liked the story about the kids becoming ferocious carnivores – it can be hard to stay vegan around it :D.


Audioholic Ninja
I'm really glad to hear how well the smoked brisket came out for you. That smoker sounds excellent. It takes all the mystery out of barbeque.

I liked the story about the kids becoming ferocious carnivores – it can be hard to stay vegan around it :D.

Yah, I think between the meat being so tender and the sauce so sweet the kids never had anything like that, I know one of the parents said "my son won't eat red meat' and I think she meant "my son won't stop eating red meat" because he was in a meat eating zone.... The smell just filled the house so fast, and the smoker exhaust was filling my yard and parking lot...

I love that smoker, if you ever are in the market for a new one you wont be sorry, you can set it to do anything you wan't, it actually has programs that allow you to add heat or evacuate heat on a cycle for certain meats, but the probe that shuts it off is the best, it doesnt just shut it down when it gets to temp, you can have it lower itsself as it approaches the desired temp, or get to the temp and then evacuate the heat so it doesnt dry out with latent heat, ect... Plus its huge, I can cook a bunch of chickens, a bunch of ribs, and a few roasts all at once.... You can cook for 75 people with this thing... And you would think it would be a nightmare with breakdowns, because of the control, but I have never had a problem, {I did accidentally turn it on one day under the cover by putting something ontop of it and it melted the cover to it, but it cleaned right off and just had to buy another cover, then I installed a master switch so it can't happen again...

But anyway, I never shut up, thanks again, and I think this is a good time to start a recipe thread on here...


Audioholic Slumlord
I thought the reflection difference in the first two pic's was cool.

I need to clean off the finger prints. My camera skills and understanding of light matter little when the subject matter is such. Stop looking at my outlet porn.

Here's the only decent one I got of the right speaker.

A couple of fuzzy pic of the STs in their future locations.

I delivered the 362's to Eddie last night. It's funny that once they are not being directly compared to the modified 360s @ SPLs beyond their reach, they sound quite nice. I tried to show Eddie how the SQ actually went up as the SPL went down to ~84db. Also it helps that at Eddies they replaced the lesser Primus 250. His room is also bigger and more irregular than Walter's space so boundary gain of off axis response and cabinet resonance is reduced. In that environment, at those levels and with the 250s as a reference, the 362s sound lovely.

I think yesterday I was a little jerked off at listening to the 362s being played too loud. I don't take anything back but I should have chosen my wording better.

Eddie is pretty happy with them. He's doing okay for a guy who has never once touched his rec'r menu and thanks to Kurt he is now enjoying yet another upgrade. Instead of modding the 362's, Eddie wants to paint his garage. He's crazy like that.


Audioholic Chief
Glad to hear how well the brisket worked out. I did say you will need more than you think. I have two points though. First this is the Internet. You can lie and take a little more of the credit! Swerd and I also roast coffee as a hobby. Sounds like you've got something else you might try. I wonder if you could do it on the smoker but it probably doesn't get hot enough.

I did get something for free last weekend. I got Kurt's bug and have been laid up since Thursday.
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Audioholic Ninja
Glad to hear how well the brisket worked out. I did say you will need more than you think. I have two points though. First this is the Internet. You can lie and take a little more of the credit! Swerd and I also roast coffee as a hobby. Sounds like you've got something else you might try. I wonder if you could do it on the smoker but it probably doesn't get hot enough.

I did get something for free last weekend. I got Kurt's bug and have been laid up since Thursday.
I have a roaster and an Elektra Belle, I sent the roaster out for service and it came back about 8 months ago, I never even took it out of the box since it came back, its a Hottop I believe we used it for nuts more than coffee, my wife has a bunn commercial pod machine and buys them small paper pods {not the cups} and the coffee is good... Im a tea or espresso guy, but even that has become too much work, lol... I was actually offered $5000 for the espresso machine last night from a guest of ours, He says I owe him a good deal because I bought my Wurlitzer 1080 off of him for $3000 and had it restored and it appraised for $22K when it was done {restore cost $3k}.... But I cant part with the machine because its all built into my bar, I would need to put something there, plus if anyone knows what a E Belle is they are really nice to look at...


Audioholic Warlord
Yeah. We've got a few folks around her that live in DFW. Maybe Adam would be willing to drive halfway across the country if we played twister.
If you do, I'm in central tx and would certainly consider making the trip.


Audioholic Slumlord

Somewhere along the line the 362's got themselves a B&K amp.

Last weekend I listened to some of Santana's first album on that set up and was surprised to find that they didn't drive me crazy. I thought about it some and it may be that the impedance dip and terrible -45 degree phase angle on the 362s made Walter's (where the A/B comparison was done) entry level Pioneer rec'r come a little unglued at the low end.

The modified pair clearly has less bass both in terms of amplitude and extension but that was a good thing as the stock pair failed there. However after listening to the stock pair amped up I'm not so sure that it wasn't Walter's rec'r coming a little unglued too.

It may be that the modified pair were just less sensitive and revealing of the receiver's short comings. However the modded pair were still preferred by 3 people with hearing damage.

The Salks and Aragon are still very much appreciated by Cheryl and me ... by my neighbors, not so much. :eek:

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