Why should we be motivated?
Group, I think the original posting is off target. As a audiophile who has spent gobs of money on his audio/video setups, I acquire items because their is a overwhelming urge. As a owner of over 1200 CDs and 550 DVDs their is minimal need to upgrade to fulltime HDCD/DVD setups.
In my opinion:
Most soundtracks to movies are not at a high audio quality. With a HD type format, the original level is recorded at about 6db lower. That with a larger decibel range, do we need explosions that require 5000 watt amps for 120db volumes? Most current movies are recorded with a 5.1 format. I already have two subwoofers in my high end without HD audio. Current MC audio is at 7.1. Do people really even WANT 8 speakers in 1 room??????? How many people have 6? How many have 3 full range? I read a internal review saying if the front speakers are of XYZ quality, is their really a need for a center channel?
Even with 37" (LCD) and 80" (Runco / Stewart) views, the viewing of standard DVDs on existing players are as good without spending $20k for better projectors or whatever. I don't see alot of well done video transfers that would give me the urge to spend the money. Their wa one scene in a movie called Soylent Green at the end. But those types of scenes are rare even in a well-made movie. Would 2001 a Space Odysey look better if transfered to HD video??? I don't think so. What about all those classic movies? Should we colorize them while we convert them? To satisfy our audio demands, we have the DVD to a DAC to a Krell pre-amp for better DVD audio.
To satisfy our minimal HDCD viewing we have the 37" HD compat LCD with a Samsung HD TV tuner and a 45" HD antenna with high end audio for evening prime time HD TV watching for FREE. To give us the ability to watch some cable we switch our ISP for minimal service. No, we buy DVDs for our movies that we want to watch, vs paying for movies that we don't want to watch.
Lastly, if a analogue CD base is well bought for the budget and room, the spendatures (sp?) will apply to CD and beyond.
Thus, we are in a wait and see attitude with any major HD type purchases.
My big video/audio room: Infinity IRS Beta (custom), Krell FPB mono amps, Sony DVD, Theta DAC, Krell CD, Yamaha DSP, ML Logos center, ML Quest rears, Stewart screen/ Runco projector, etc..