I watched my voltage on my scope the we use for can buss systems these past few days and all is good there ,no need for voltage regulation
I do understand the importance of good connections and clean power , I do not buy into snake oil cables , i buy blue jean cables
How ever , speaking with the info systems guys that repair all the $$$$$ hospital gear at my wife's work and happens to be a audiophile, his opinion is, the more crap between the wall and the gear just makes it less pure, and most gear does not filter it proper manner , he recommended to get it all hooked up , let it burn in and get my ears used to it and then install a venom ps8 and defender as it filters things in a more proper manner, does not restrict or dirty power , and do not use a battery back up if i can avoid it , he also recommended a whole house surge protector , Demo the venom and send it back if no change but doubts that , or try an APC, fur-man and then compare
I Called the company that makes the venom and they pretty much said same thing ,
Emotiva said same thing that they do not recommend any thing but straight into wall ,