Sub performance changes due to box shape.

Sigberg Audio

Sigberg Audio

I once again find myself wanting to go a different route than the norm and search info to decide if I should, and this time it's about modifying an existing sealed, powered, subwoofer box since what I'm finding doesn't check the purchase tic boxes.
Preferences are <$500, 10 or 12 inch driver, high level outputs( just realized I mixed this in here while thinking about a planned purchase for the PC system), and it being a somewhat tall and thin box instead of basically square in shape. I'd like it to stand up in a corner. The sub I have my eyes on at the moment for this is the SVS SB-1000 or Pro.
Do any of you have any experience with moving all the components from an existing sub into a custom made box with in this case adequate internal bracing and equal volume?

The room is a 18' x 18' x 7', carpeted living room. Right now I'm using a NAD 4020 tuner, Nakamichi CA5 preamp, NAD 2140 amp with an Oppo cd player with Paradigm Monitor7 speakers. The video stuff is connected but not my focus. I also have a Nakamichi 420 amp I sometimes swap into use. I'm not a serious heavy metal guy but do enjoy a good amount some of it. Spectrum runs to bluegrass, blues, bossanova, and others.
Since not many have answered your question: Changing the shape of a sealed box (within reason) while keeping the volume equal will most likely work just fine. You've got some sound advice as to why it might not be the most cost effective idea, but if you insist, and are able to build a capable enclosure (just with another shape), the sound will be similar to the original.


Audioholic Ninja
WAF is a tough scene to work around. I find I don't enjoy listening as much if other people in the house are not fans of high performance music. I end up worrying if it bothers them. This is what drove me towards high performance desktop systems for music only. It's much less fussy than trying to audibly and aesthetically tune a whole room, especially one that is shared. Not to mention, what you can get for your money with scaled down equipment and spaces.

When my children were young, there simply wasn't time, or the room to enjoy music so much. And sheer torture when I had the urge to rock out. I was pretty much exiled to my car stereo for this itch. Then when PCs and internet became all the rage, I discovered desktop 2.1 systems. It had it all, and then some and could be stowable. I could set up an entire , mid sized desktop system with stand mount speakers under 5 minutes, and send it back to the closet just as fast. When wife and kids went away for periods of time, I could set it up and get my fix.

Now I have 8" stand mount 3-ways and some other stand mount designs I can put on either side of me, with a pair of 8" or 12" subs firing half under the desk. I have more fun with this than I ever did with or around a whole room system, and I can afford higher levels of performance, without putting anyone off, or out.


Audioholic Warlord
Even though this thread started back in August, I just read it for the first time. Wow. In my opinion, this was a classic case of someone falling in love with his first idea, despite his lack of any speaker cabinet design knowledge or experience.

Did the OP ever indicate what sub woofer idea he would proceed with?

Did the OP ever understand why his original idea might not be a good idea?

Has the OP ever returned to AH again?

This shows the dangers of trying to satisfy WAF while having no personal speaker design knowledge. I assume that the wife in question has no knowledge of speaker design. There's nothing wrong with any person, male or female, who has no speaker design knowledge. But there is something wrong with a guy who rejects all useful and well-meaning advice, after he entered AH just to ask a specific question. If he already believed he was right, why ask at all?

It's fine if you actually know things. It's also fine if you don't. What isn't fine is if you don't know the difference between what you know and what you don't know.
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Audioholic Samurai
Even though this thread started back in August, I just read it for the first time. Wow. In my opinion, this was a classic case of someone falling in love with his first idea, despite his lack of any speaker cabinet design knowledge or experience.

Did the OP ever indicate what sub woofer idea he would proceed with?

Did the OP ever understand why his original idea might not be a good idea?

Has the OP ever returned to AH again?

This shows the dangers of trying to satisfy WAF while having no personal speaker design knowledge. I assume that the wife in question has no knowledge of speaker design. There's nothing wrong with any person, male or female, who has no speaker design knowledge. But there is something wrong with a guy who rejects all useful and well-meaning advice, after he entered AH just to ask a specific question. If he already believed he was right, why ask at all?

It's fine if you actually know things. It's also fine if you don't. What isn't fine is if you don't know the difference between what you know and what you don't know.
So op hasn’t returned? Wonder what monstrosity of a sub he cobbled together, or went with a flat space saver model … or she just said no altogether.


Audioholic Spartan
Even though this thread started back in August, I just read it for the first time. Wow. In my opinion, this was a classic case of someone falling in love with his first idea, despite his lack of any speaker cabinet design knowledge or experience.

Did the OP ever indicate what sub woofer idea he would proceed with?

Did the OP ever understand why his original idea might not be a good idea?

Has the OP ever returned to AH again?

This shows the dangers of trying to satisfy WAF while having no personal speaker design knowledge. I assume that the wife in question has no knowledge of speaker design. There's nothing wrong with any person, male or female, who has no speaker design knowledge. But there is something wrong with a guy who rejects all useful and well-meaning advice, after he entered AH just to ask a specific question. If he already believed he was right, why ask at all?

It's fine if you actually know things. It's also fine if you don't. What isn't fine is if you don't know the difference between what you know and what you don't know.
I have a nephew that wanted to put a car head unit and 6x9s in the wall above his bed, nothing shocks me with audio anymore.


Audioholic Samurai
I have a nephew that wanted to put a car head unit and 6x9s in the wall above his bed, nothing shocks me with audio anymore.
Yeah no limits to the madness , wouldn’t be surprised if people use car subs too in hifi systems . Which makes more sense than car 6x9 and head units, but hey it sounded good in his car !
William Lemmerhirt

William Lemmerhirt

Audioholic Overlord
I have a nephew that wanted to put a car head unit and 6x9s in the wall above his bed, nothing shocks me with audio anymore.
That’s a little odd. But I actually did something similar. I used to have a waterbed, and the headboard had two sets of double doors. They were glass, decorative and I never stored anything in the spaces. So. I made two baffles, carpeted them, and installed them where the doors used to be. I ran them off of the B channel of my AVR. Worked nicely to have music to fall asleep to. There was plenty of other gear in the room, but those were definitely fun. Mounted some others in the false ceiling too. Also had two pairs of floor standers. This was in the late 80’s and I was making up a lot of stuff as I went, but I always had music. Concert videos and movies were fun too as I had Frankenstein’d a vhs player into the mess too. Lol. Good times…

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