WAF is a tough scene to work around. I find I don't enjoy listening as much if other people in the house are not fans of high performance music. I end up worrying if it bothers them. This is what drove me towards high performance desktop systems for music only. It's much less fussy than trying to audibly and aesthetically tune a whole room, especially one that is shared. Not to mention, what you can get for your money with scaled down equipment and spaces.
When my children were young, there simply wasn't time, or the room to enjoy music so much. And sheer torture when I had the urge to rock out. I was pretty much exiled to my car stereo for this itch. Then when PCs and internet became all the rage, I discovered desktop 2.1 systems. It had it all, and then some and could be stowable. I could set up an entire , mid sized desktop system with stand mount speakers under 5 minutes, and send it back to the closet just as fast. When wife and kids went away for periods of time, I could set it up and get my fix.
Now I have 8" stand mount 3-ways and some other stand mount designs I can put on either side of me, with a pair of 8" or 12" subs firing half under the desk. I have more fun with this than I ever did with or around a whole room system, and I can afford higher levels of performance, without putting anyone off, or out.