Heh, sounds as though you went through quite a bit of thought and movement on this! lol
The Outlaw LFM-1 Plus is almost identical to the old HSU VTF-3 MK2 or the very recently discontinued VTF-2 MK3. It's a very good sub. I own a VTF-3 MK2 myself and I still use it to this day in my living room!
It's pretty close to on par with the FV12, IMO. From my own listening experience, the VTF-3 MK2 was actually capable of a little bit more output at certain frequencies than the FV12, but the FV12 could reach just a couple Hz lower with flat frequency response. Almost a bit of cutting hairs here - they're really very close to one another, IMO.
I'm a sucker for hitting 20Hz flat. You combine the FV12 reaching just a tiny bit lower than the LFM-1 Plus and normally being $50 cheaper and it makes me favor the FV12. But, like I said, I'd fully expect the two to be extremely close in performance given my own experiences with the FV12 and the VTF-3 MK2.
Anywho, that might be moot now! Being able to compare the Epik Legend and the Rythmik FV12 in your own home with your own ears really is the best way to decide! So I'm very happy to see you taking that approach. If you're after deep extension and some good, tactile output, my expectation is that you'll wind up favoring the FV12. But you've got the chance to really hear, compare and decide for yourself, which is fantastic and sure to make you happier in the long run!
Please be sure to come back and let us know how things pan out! As for the port on the front of the FV12 - young kids certainly do find ways to stick their hands into subwoofer ports and/or drop things in there

It's not the end of the world if you have to unscrew the driver and/or amplifier and pull something out of the FV12, but it is a bit of a hassle to be sure. Rythmik does not cover the port with the supplied grill, so I can appreciate that being a bit of a concern. If there is indeed a sale over at Outlaw or HSU, then an LFM-1 Plus or VTF-2 MK4 might be a very good alternative if the Epik Legend doesn't quite satisfy and the FV12 proves to be any sort of problem with its open front port