I made my enclosure at 3.5 cubic feet. Any larger and I think my wife would have fainted. I enjoyed making it, it's not perfect but is a good start. I really like it so far, the bass is deep and tight and doesn't have that bloom like my polk sub. It is much more articulate and there is more of a snap to the music. I plan on making a grill for it since I didn't do a very good job with staining the front.
Here it is for 3.5 cu ft mid insert.
Type: Vented Box
Shape: Prism, square (optimum)
Vb = 3.5 cu.ft
Fb = 18.02 Hz
QL = 6.207
F3 = 20.7 Hz
Fill = minimal
No. of Vents = 1
Vent shape = round
Vent ends = two flared
Dv = 4 in
Lv = 27.98 in
Here it is for the low insert.
Type: Vented Box
Shape: Prism, square (optimum)
Vb = 3.5 cu.ft
Fb = 21.38 Hz
QL = 6.563
F3 = 20.3 Hz
Fill = minimal
No. of Vents = 1
Vent shape = round
Vent ends = two flared
Dv = 4 in
Lv = 19.03 in
I think you said you were using the mid insert. You can see that if your vent length is 17 inches you have a serious misalignment. It is very close for the low insert. Your vent is then short about 2 inches. I would put the low insert in the driver. I bet it will sound a lot better.