Stock Markets, I coulda had a great set of speakers!



Audioholic Ninja
Anything where you bet on the future price of something is a crap shoot. That would include real estate, gold, pork belly futures, or digital currency, as well as the more familiar stock or bond markets.
Just another form of gambling, with one Exception the dude at top gets it all mostly. lolo suckers!:D

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Audioholic Ninja
Very true, your statement just reminded me of that scene. It's crazy to me that some people want our currency back on the gold standard.

I keep hearing that real estate is where a lot of people build their wealth, but I have yet to take the plunge.
Land is where its at. Until you dead than it goes to someone else just keep a lil for your Corpse to be buried in. Cause this is what everyone gets in the end. :cool: This dude is always waiting. lol
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Audioholic General
Airlines will be laying off thousands as they can't support the industry without billions in subsidies each year.

Malls will become empty wasteland used by homeless for shelters.

Oil companies will lay off thousands as travel is reduced and dividends can no longer be sustained. They are now the new tobacco stocks.

US unemployment will continue to grow and US explosion in debt will begin to have an impact on the economy and the dollar.

Shortages in all sorts of products will begin to grow exponentially as the China US relationship deteriorates even more. Govt tariffs will kill or relocate entire industries.

Retired American's will see their resources shrink as zero is paid on their savings accounts while inflation charges ahead and equity markets stall.

America's economic slowdown will create a recession around the world as the US consumer slows.

Interesting times... we have a lot to look forward to. Get your new receiver and speakers while you can. lol
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
Airlines will be laying off thousands as they can't support the industry without billions in subsidies each year.

Malls will become empty wasteland used by homeless for shelters.

Oil companies will lay off thousands as travel is reduced and dividends can no longer be sustained. They are now the new tobacco stocks.

US unemployment will continue to grow and US explosion in debt will begin to have an impact on the economy and the dollar.

Shortages in all sorts of products will begin to grow exponentially as the China US relationship deteriorates even more. Govt tariffs will kill or relocate entire industries.

Retired American's will see their resources shrink as zero is paid on their savings accounts while inflation charges ahead and equity markets stall.

America's economic slowdown will create a recession around the world as the US consumer slows.

Interesting times... we have a lot to look forward to. Get your new receiver and speakers while you can. lol
That’s one way of looking at it....


Audioholic Spartan
Airlines will be laying off thousands as they can't support the industry without billions in subsidies each year.
Coming soon to an airport near you. And you mean tens of thousands.

Malls will become empty wasteland used by homeless for shelters.
More likely many will be repurposed for office space, distribution centers, or high density housing. This is already happening to older malls and big box anchor stores. Internet shopping was killing them before the pandemic.

Oil companies will lay off thousands as travel is reduced and dividends can no longer be sustained. They are now the new tobacco stocks.
Actually, global oil demand is currently down about 10% from 2019.

In the US, Exxon is suffering because multiple CEOs made bets on investing in new oil discovery, running up debt. The fracking industry was financed heavily on debt, and their breakeven point was assuming higher oil prices than could be realized in the market, so fracking is way down for a while. I'm not sure they're the new tobacco stocks, because there's no comparison on market values, the current supply glut stems from the lockdowns, and it's not clear what happens in 2021-2022. Overall, I think you're (as usual) over-simplifying a complex situation.

US unemployment will continue to grow and US explosion in debt will begin to have an impact on the economy and the dollar.
Ok, now we get to the guts of your paranoia. Actually, the US unemployment rate fell to 8.4% in August. Of course, that doesn't tell the whole story, because the labor participation rate is the lowest in years. Overall, your doomsday scenario does not appear to be playing out, unless you work in the hospitality industry.

Shortages in all sorts of products will begin to grow exponentially as the China US relationship deteriorates even more. Govt tariffs will kill or relocate entire industries.
Shortages will grow exponentially? Is this just your emotional prediction, or do you have evidence to back this up? Tariffs don't kill industries, they just raise consumer prices.

Retired American's will see their resources shrink as zero is paid on their savings accounts while inflation charges ahead and equity markets stall.
Where do you come up with this crap? I don't know where you save, but on my high interest savings accounts the rates are now undergoing a fall to 0.6%. Not that it was ever a good idea to live on interest, but 0.6% is already only a return of $6000/year per million dollars saved. Low rates prop up the equity markets because funds move out of savings accounts, and cash on hand is at record highs.

As for inflation, don't you ever read the news? The Federal Reserve is predicting that we are at risk of not hitting the inflation target of 2% annually, and projects interest rates to remain steady through 2022:

America's economic slowdown will create a recession around the world as the US consumer slows.
I predict that people who have a bunker mentality are likely to experience far below average investment returns as they miss out on the anticipated recoveries as vaccines reduce infection rates, or the world learns better to live with the virus.

Interesting times... we have a lot to look forward to. Get your new receiver and speakers while you can. lol
Yeah, LOL. Save your money for that bunker you're always wanted. Stock up on ammo too. One in three Americans think a civil war is on the horizon. Costco sells emergency food kits. Please buy some so my investment goes up:

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Audioholic Spartan
Good points Irv but remember, there's more to fracking than that for oil, natural gas has been a boom here in Pa (Marcellas) for some time now. With ongoing conversions of power plants and new construction the tide has swung with respect to electrical generation. Williams(major pipe line company) has just up'd the ante here in the NE quadrant of Pa to the various gas companies to be able to provide up to 3 million new home for gas. My railroad alone does almost 4000 cars a year of frac sand, business is good ...........


Audioholic General
XLE energy ETF down over 60% in last two years. Market may be pricing in Biden as President today along with more Virus cases.

Stocks are collapsing.... turn up the MUSIC. lol
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Audioholic Spartan
Good reason to own bonds, cash, and gold as well as stocks.


Audioholic Samurai
Good reason to own bonds, cash, and gold as well as stocks.
The only investment in gold I would recommend is in the form of a ring to go on the finger of someone you love.

Low interest rates have definitely altered how I view the cash/ballast part of the portfolio, using dividend paying equities or real estate investments in lieu of bonds. The equities route has been a bumpy road, and real estate is comparably illiquid, if way up. Haven't run the numbers, but suspect the bond funds I would ordinarily hold (VFICX, VFSTX) would have done just as well in terms of after tax spending power.

Through all this market turmoil, it still seems the best results come from coming up with a plan that is copacetic with one's risk tolerance and timeframe, sticking to that plan, and just keep plugging away. Long term, compounding is pretty foolproof.


Audioholic Samurai
I did a large sale on Monday, see how the election goes and it’s aftermath to time buying back in.
Old Onkyo

Old Onkyo

Audioholic General
The only investment in gold I would recommend is in the form of a ring to go on the finger of someone you love.

Low interest rates have definitely altered how I view the cash/ballast part of the portfolio, using dividend paying equities or real estate investments in lieu of bonds. The equities route has been a bumpy road, and real estate is comparably illiquid, if way up. Haven't run the numbers, but suspect the bond funds I would ordinarily hold (VFICX, VFSTX) would have done just as well in terms of after tax spending power.

Through all this market turmoil, it still seems the best results come from coming up with a plan that is copacetic with one's risk tolerance and timeframe, sticking to that plan, and just keep plugging away. Long term, compounding is pretty foolproof.
This always works....always.


Audioholic Spartan
Too bad it isn’t Thanksgiving yet, or I could say I’m thankful for not depending on y’all for financial advice. It is amusing to read these posts though.


Audioholic Chief
@Old Onkyo
not really prophetic , imo, i was actually thinking there was a coherent strategy in there..but all in all , yes i agree , spending on investment should be limited to what doesn't make you go hungry or homeless.. of course also , i take that as a common sense "given" hence my confusion :) ;)


Audioholic Chief
Too bad it isn’t Thanksgiving yet, or I could say I’m thankful for not depending on y’all for financial advice. It is amusing to read these posts though.
take my advice : don't look to internet forums for accurate info..


Audioholic Chief
Not true. A crap shoot, rolling the dice, is pure chance. There is no information available. With every asset on your list there is information available. In the case of gold, diamonds, and digital currencies they are manipulated by entities or people who own enough of the asset to manipulate (or just affect) the prices for their own benefit.

I am jealous of Jeff Bezos though. By luck, he sold over $4B of Amazon stock right at the price peak before the virus correction started. He still has lost many billions on what's left, but it still looks awfully lucky. ;)
lol turns out it wasn't luck after all.. he was warned by the highest office in the land (directly or indirectly) while those of us that aren't privy to inside info were told "it's all under control".. just more evidence we are run by a "club" of the uber wealthy that are shielded from the law mainly b/c they get to write the law via pac money and 501(c)3 influence ...
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