Wow. That's all I can say. Wow.
Using pot is illegal. It's not the same kind of drug as cocaine, heroin, meth, crack or other harder drugs but it's still illegal to possess it, sell it or use it. They don't say that using it at home is OK, it's illegal wherever it's used, although enough has been said about using it at home for many to think that's OK. As far as the inebriate- if it's an illegal substance, it doesn't matter if the person is driving, or not.
"So, you're saying that every homosexual (or straight, which you also imply) that has sex with another has and is intentionally passing aids or some other heinous disease? If that's your reality, you really should find a new circle of friends."
How the hell did you come up with this? I was responding to the post that said loose sex has no victims. I never wrote anything about 'every' person with a disease.
You should read the words and not read anything into them that isn't explicitly stated. I don't do drugs, I drink very little and it's by choice. I no longer enjoy being drunk and I definitely don't want to wake up the next day, feeling like crap. I actually like to not be drunk or stoned. It has nothing to do with religion, since I can't be considered religious but I do have a strong sense of right and wrong. You really missed the point of that post and assumed things that I never posted. I never said loose sex is a crime.
Alcohol and drugs don't bring out the best in people. Some people do some things better when they're stoned but there aren't many things that are done better when drunk. Intoxication makes people do things they normally wouldn't and that brings a lot of problems with it.
"Next, you'll be saying that selling knives, guns, or baseball bats is a crime because some people use them to harm others."
Where did you get this idea? Oh, sorry- since one person can't own an idea, I should have asked 'Where did we get this idea, right? Read the words, don't try to analyze people.
So, you're now gonna bludgeon us over the head with whatever choices you've made for yourself? I gave you more credit than that.
Sorry, you should be in the "Is Morality Relative" thread. This thread is about piracy. Either stick too the subject or take yer beef there.
Like was said to that other guy, don't try to judge me, or us. You aren't in a position to do so.
If these actions are reactions are indicative of your real world experiences, I can't say I blame you though. although, I would have hoped you would rather found a saner group of friends and applied a little self-control before wigging out entirely.
Now, my friends and myself have always been responsible and took actions to prevent problems. And, nobody in my croud ever got popped for DWI or got any STD's. Maybe a hangover once and a while, but nothing to cry about. And, believe me, we were far from celibate.
And, considering that we date back to when Nixon was president and now have grandchildren we did all right. That's not to say that we partied constantly, but when we did, we used our head and maintained self-control and were responsible. Just because you couldn't handle it, don't assume everyone is like you.
Of course, we mellowed out somewhat when we got married in the 70's, but we never lost that attitude. Even today, a puff once in a while isn't out of the question.
And, we never painted others with too wide a brush. We just avoided aholes that were dangerous to themselves and others, and mostly us.
So, in closing, yes, all those activities I mentioned ARE victimless crimes unless some ahole abuses them and, by their actions, involves others. Just like a knife or a gun. Selling and owning one isn't necessarially a crime. Stabbing or shooting someone with it is.
Now, if you want to continue in this idiotic vein, please do so in the "Is Morality Relative" thread where it belongs.
So, party hearty, dude.