The luxury of being able to visit a local shop and listen to a variety of speakers is dwindling because so many people do that and NEVER buy locally. They figure they can hear it there and go hit the internet for a better deal without consideration of the value added by the local dealer or even attempting a negotiation of price.
I'm lucky. I have at least 6 audio shops within a 1 hour drive of me. Some have true high end audio (high end being part of the name of two of them) that I can't afford. Others have that PLUS the stuff I can afford to buy. And I do buy locally! I have $9685 worth of current model products (2 x 5.1 speakers, 2 x sub, 2 AVR, 1 streaming, & 1 TT) at current list prices for which I have paid a total of $6372. Some new in box, some floor demo units, 2 factory refurbished, and 3 used. All in the last 8 months. My point is that the deals are here locally of you look and stop thinking the internet is the only place to buy.