Speaker cable length



Hello, I recently read that speaker cables should be longer than 8':

NEVER use speaker cables shorter than 8'. Amazingly, 4' sounds much worse than 8'. Contrary to common belief, shorter interconnects (2 m or less) and longer speaker cables sound WAY BETTER than the opposite—based on extensive head-to-head tests.
Mapleshade Audio

I've always heard that shorter is better when it comes to speaker cables. While I don't believe that there could be any audible difference between a 6' and an 8' pair of cables, could there be a scientifically measurable difference? If so, would the difference coincide with the above authorities advice?

In other words, I currently have two nine foot lenths of Kimber PR4s (14 awg) that I've had for years. I want to shorten them for the sake of tidyness. Now, if I had a million times better hearing than the average human, would I be able to hear a difference if I cut the cables in half? And, would they sound better or worse? Thanks! Lew.


Audioholic Chief

That is why my speakers sound bad (J/K)...I only have 5' speaker cables. :D

I just went to that site and some of the info might help but man what a bunch of snake oil....
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Seriously, I have no life.
[=Lew]Hello, I recently read that speaker cables should be longer than 8':

Mapleshade Audio

I've always heard that shorter is better when it comes to speaker cables.

They are wrong, you are right ;)

While I don't believe that there could be any audible difference between a 6' and an 8' pair of cables, could there be a scientifically measurable difference?

Measure difference? You could probably measure a 1" difference, the technology is so good in some cases :D But evolution of hearing is lagging way behind that capability ;)

Now, if I had a million times better hearing than the average human, would I be able to hear a difference if I cut the cables in half?

A good chance, yes, but you don't have that accuity :D so nothing to worry about.

And, would they sound better or worse? Thanks! Lew.

different ;) Go and tidy it up back there. I will be over to inspect :D


Senior Audioholic
Cut the cables. Only my dog thinks she can hear the difference in the length of the cables, and I don't believe everything she says, 'cause who wants to believe a dog who swears that toliet water tastes better than a doggie dish full of fresh clean water.

Just remember don't cut them tooooo short.


Audioholic Ninja
Good. Gravy. MapleShade has got to be one of the OILIEST sites I've seen in a long, LONG time. I found one, only ONE piece of halfway genuine information on the whole site. I really hope that no one buys their stuff for the simple fact they are lying out their asses. Thanks for alerting us all!


Senior Audioholic
Mapleshade web site said:
Nearly everybody sits too high. The "tweeters at ear level"rule sounds logical but fails when tested. For a test, sit on one or two phone books: you'll hear an amazing new warmth and fullness in baritone voice, trombones, tenor sax, plucked bass—and a far more natural treble balance.

Who the F^$& wants to hear more trombones? Who can sit on two phone books, are the phone books from NYC or LA? Or are they West Podunk, Iowa phone books. Besides, two phone books are very slippery seats at best.

Steve said:
'cause who wants to believe a dog who swears that toliet water tastes better than a doggie dish full of fresh clean water.
or licks their NADs
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Hilarious. Thanks for the confirmation guys. While I don’t think I could spend more than say $100 on a pair of 6’-8’ speaker cables, I have to admit that I get some kind of perverse pleasure researching exotic/boutique cables. I’m fairly skeptical, but sometimes I’ll read something that catches me off guard and I don’t know what to think.

Mudcat, If I shorten my speaker cables, will I minimize trombone response? :D

Here’s something else interesting from Mapleshade:

Almost all small speakers are on stands that are way too high (24" and up)—and, all too often, too flimsy. Want to hear how much bass and warmth your speakers are losing? Try 'em on the floor, tilted back with a wood or metal block under the front. If you're on carpet, lay down a heavy plank or cutting board first.
They say this while advising against sitting too high and too far away.

Almost everybody sits way too far from their speakers, that is, 8' to 10' or more. Try a low chair (or floor pillow) 5' away.
Five feet away from speakers that are on the floor. Looks like you’ll be using that phonebook for a pillow. Cheers!


Senior Audioholic
Lew said:
Mudcat, If I shorten my speaker cables, will I minimize trombone response? :D
I am currently developing a filter that will remove annoying sounds, like trombones and Barry Manilow's voice.


Senior Audioholic
Hey Mudcat

I personally like Barry Manilow.

Oops, sorry, it isnt Barry, it is the WAF of Barry that I like.

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