You sir: "You continue on a path that theories are not facts, and that facts can be misleading due to an original source that may not have been correct to begin with."
One cannot mix fact with fiction/assumptions/speculation and come out with fact as a conclusion. Assumptions can skew the results decidely, as shown below. Before calling someone stupid, maybe you should look at yourself?
A one simple observation, that the components were not proven to be adequate for the testing done shows a simple assumption that can skew the results towards No Sonic Difference (Let's assume facts were also presented elsewhere in the study). So if poor performing components were used, the result could/would be quite predictable, no sonic difference (even though facts were presented elsewhere in the study). So what did the testing prove? Nothing. The result is totally invalid.
Now let's say others authors use midfi components in their testing. How do they know their components will do the job? WE don't, just blind faith (see below for further explanation). So test after test results are invalid, yet the concensus becomes there is no sonic difference. And we haven't taken into account room acoustics, resonances and other assumptions that could skew the results towards "no sonic differences noted".
You sir: "People have posted opposing views with proofs of the theories that you deny. Yet you continue to willfully deny any proofs."
See above. By the way, take a look at the Wisdom section and capacitor testing. I had to roll on the floor laughing because of the inept attempt to test for sonic differences between electrolytic caps and "Sonic caps". There were more holes in the testing procedure than swiss cheese. Study it carefully and find all the problems in the testing procedure that could skew the results.
You sir: "Do you have money in your pocket? I'll assume so (uh-oh, I'm assuming something).
"How do you know you have money?
Because 100 percent of the worlds population believe that green paper has a value equal to the number printed on both sides (or if you belong to and live with a primitive amazonian tribe, the stones in your pocket - no not those stones - you've already shown you have big ones)."
Yes, but your example is a far cry from what the "scientific" community is attempting to prove. It is much more complex.
You sir: "So where are we. The scientific commumity expouses a theory on acoustics. The scientific community expouses a theory on electronics. The scientific community proves both theories based on using equipment that has known and verifiable limitations. Proven within limits - often times those limits are infinitesimally small and the scientific community assumes negligibility because of past history with other theories and their knowledge of the subject. Engineers design things based on those proven theories. Those things work as they are designed."
"assumes" negligibility/ speculation? So if they are wrong, well (see below). "then Engineers design things based on those proven theories". If they are proven, they are not theories in the first place!
You sir: "known and verifiable limitations. Proven within limits - often times those limits are infinitesimally small" (Proven, How?, by the same flawed tests?)
So if they use similarly flawed subjective tests on the component, using assumptions, speculations etc, and then use this component as a reference for the actual test, which also uses assumptions/speculations etc, where are we? A subjectively flawed test used as a "factual" reference for another, similarly flawed test? LOL. Very interesting reasoning.
And if numbers people rely only on instruments, well, they have to prove a perfect corrolation between the instruments/readings and the human ear. How, by subjective testing. So now we have another subjective test that is supposively to be "factual" as a reference for another "subjective" test, both with assumptions/speculations etc.
You sir: "Now all those acoustic and cable theories that you deny. Since the mechanism to prove them false exists (science), don't you think that would have been accomplished by now. Especially since those theories are many decades old.
So you again assume these tests "prove" the mechanism is false, that the methodology is correct. Study them again and look at the assumptions, speculations etc. There are too many variables that can skew the results towards the result of "no sonic" difference.
Secondly, decades old doesn't mean anything. If the reference, say a component, is of insufficient sonic quality to be used as a reference, then the theory could stand for decades without being proven, couldn't it.
Using the same old similarily flawed test to verify another similarly flawed test doesn't prove anything, except how shortsighted and limited some are.
Good day.