Unfortunately I don't have the time to sit and debate you point for point on this article, especially since you didn't bring any technical discussions to the table, only speculations and red herrings. I don't want to turn this into a political debate so this will likely be my last post on this topic.
You're asking me to dispove something doesn't exist. I instead show you that the mechanism that others claim to be of issue isn't. If this was a real problem then how would the cable vendor know how to solve it? They can't prove it, they can't measure it, but they know its there from their alleged "listening tests". So by trial and error they miraculously fall upon the solution. Its pretty funny actually when you think about it, but sad for the unwary consumer to fall pray to such poor engineering practices of the supposed cable designers. With the case of Skin Effect, most of the cables that supposidly resolve the alleged Skin Effect problem suffer from it worse than ordinary Zip Cord!
The .051dB difference is the result of Skin Effect, not DA. AGAIN .051dB IS NOT AUDIBLE AS PROVEN BY THE HUMAN MODEL OF HEARING AND YEARS OF RESEARCH. You may wish to read a few papers authored by Dr. Floyd Toole on this. Also, please reread my article more carefully. I did not show any detrimental effects of DA that would impact frequency response, linearity, distortion, etc. So I am not sure what the problem you have with the article is.
YES. That was the point of the article. At audio frequencies, the dielectric serves two major purposes:
1) Insulating the conductors
2) Determining the overall value of Capacitance based on dielectric material and conductor spacing. DA is NOT a factor for cable performance in this case. Soaking the cables in kosher chicken fat wont help either
Regarding DA/DF in Speaker Cables:
I will tell you that every industry expert I have spoken to on this topic: IE. Bob Pease from National Semiconductor, Steve Lampton from Belden, Henry Ott and Dr. Howard Johnson both well noted industry experts in this field all had a good laugh about this topic and how it relates, or more correctly doesn't relate to speaker cables.
You throw around terms like "harmonic structure" of audio, but do you really understand what you are implying here? Do you realize most musical content above 8kHz is harmonic in nature? If your system has perfect linearity up to 20kHz you're harmonics are preserved! You certainly don't think the cable is the limiting factor here do you?
Do you know why bandwidth limiting is done in hardware? Many purposes actually:
1) Improve Signal to Noise Ratio
2) Improve System Stability
3) Preserve power and dynamics
You don't want a system that is flat up to 500kHz! This is especially true for digital systems and why FIR filters are utilized above the audio band.
Suggested Reading:
Brickwall Filters in Digital Audio
The sad reality is cables are rarely the limiting factor in a system, but many consumers seem so fixated on them that they overlook the obvious: The loudspeaker/room interaction mechanism, speaker placement and calibration.
Unfortunately cables are the lowest priority for me right now. Sorry but they are just not that interesting. I am focusing more time on Hardware reviews, Beta testing new gear and writing technical articles on things that can really make a dramatic impact on system performance: Acoustics.
I will however get to the rest of this article when I finish catching up to my reviews. Just think all the time spent on this forum I could have been finishing the article

Ok back to work.
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