mudcat said:
Oh...sorry to hear that...I'll ratchet it down a bit...
(oh man, when are you guys gonna stop tossing those straight lines at me??)
gene said:
In any event, until John E proves me wrong (I am waiting John)
Let's see...what was it Hawk said??? OH yes...
It takes so incredibly long to write these articles and do the measurements that we deicded to break it up a bit.
At least I have an excuse...I just mixed and poured 8 * 60 lb bags of sackrete in my basement lab. getin it ready to do anything at is walls and workbench...think I'm gonna use some butcher block pine pre-made from da depot.. (the excuse is not because I don't have time, but that I'm in a back brace from the quarter ton of ceeeement I carried into the basement.
gene said:
I think its important to point out that even expensive cables which tout minimization of skin effect perform similarly to (audiophile frowned upon) 10AWG Zip cord.
Yes, indeed..they certainly do..they absolutely provide excellent amplitude and voltage phase delivery to the load from 20 to 20K...what I am questioning, which I believe is consistent with Steve's belief (although I do not know if he understands what I have been speaking of..) is that the phase delays from the different cables will affect the soundstage...
So my premise is that normal 20 to 20K testing, of any sort, does not see what I am looking for...
That was why I complained to you about the first runoff, where you didn't go high enough in freq....but now, you going to 1Mhz? I'm a happy camper...
Hey..I use #12/3 extension cord...rugged, colorful, can drive a forklift over them without failure...meets the app, of course...
steve nugent said:
This is the area that is overlooked completely in this study. Steady-state measurements are insuffficient to describe the behavior of any cable or component.
Yah, yah...I've heard that one before... (probably because I've been saying almost the same thing...)..
Hi Steve..
I have found no real studies that test specifically for human lateralization with two sources, time shift vs directionality in particular...I do find the latest multispeaker array/multiprocessing stuff of interest, but I fear the study results will remain captive in house until the market opens up for the new technology.. (forcing me to setup my own tests)
I find no studies of lateralization cue shifting as a result of cable parameters.. that would tie what you (I) am what you are hearing..
From a scientific point of view, you have not shown your product to be of any advantage over have anecdotal accounts...but nothing else..
So, quite honestly...Gene's article is applying what is currently known to cable measurements....I certainly can't fault him for that...but, that doesn't mean I agree that his tests are sufficient...You are incorrect in your statement that steady state measurements cannot be used...they most certainly can, but there needs to be a model tie in between that and what is perceived..that conceptual gap is a hole large enough for a tractor trailer..and I am the NUT holdin onto the steering wheel...
Guys, I'll say this once....
the madman (yours truly) said:
Think about what is entailed when two channels carry the information, and they have to be timewise accurate to within about 2 to 5 uSec...
Mono sources do not care a whit if some of it's content is timeshifted 5 uSec...but we can here that if it's between ears..
That is where it's at...I'll get there...perhaps a slowboat to china, but I'll get there...
Cheers, John