.....an amp in the upper cost amounts most likely "won't" sound bad to you at all at first hearing....but something will tell you it's a different sound from what you are used to, but you don't know what is different....hey, just use it for a week or so, and then go back to the first one....you'll probably have a statement to offer at that point....amps are different, but in the higher end, none sounds bad....at first....think presence, at moderate to upper-moderate levels....does it sound like the group is right there at you, live?....a friend from the past had a McIntosh pushed system with two cornerhorns and a bell in the middle....he had three 300 watt-a-side McIntosh amps strapped to push the three speakers, and there went his live presence from strapped power compression through ohmage change for authority and halfing of the damping factor....the system sounded like the group was 50 yards away....the fault was the speakers anyway....they were tough in their era, but man hath sought bucks since, and the modern stuff is the best....imo, of course.....
.....I could make suggestions toward purchases, but noooooooo....that concept of "black background" was cool....it surely means there's simply nothing there to conflict with a pfat signal by lower damping factor, hello imaging.....I've never read long reviews for my 40 years in this hobby, and then I go and read some reviews that burned me the last couple of years....but thank goodness, I can use one of the purchases....and when the Placette performed for all of five seconds, I knew I was going to try to send it to California in swap for a set of mains....there's your reviews at their finest....I can appreciate those who do read reviews, but if it's obvious they took them as law, instead of food-for-thought, instead of letting their ears lead them, they don't really have any opinion-by-comparison, do they?....I didn't realize what I had back in '86....I thought, yeah, but there are still others out there that cost more, that true audiophiles use....again, I didn't realize what I had back in '86....probably 80-90% of the presence comes from the pre-amp....amps ring truer with some claims, but they're still different....it will come to you as you compare which amp is best for you over a little time....if you're wanting to upgrade, it could be that something in the sound quality and content has possibly offended you, maybe unknowingly, to the point it doesn't sound to you like it did at one time....and for me, it has always been in the upper section of 20-20K.........MtryCrafts, your mind evidently can seem to be a schematic analyzing hook-up problems....I appreciate and respect you as a fellow member....but swap out the two boomboxes......