In a little while I'm going to try some Blind tests. I'm gearing up for some renovations in my apartment, so the gear is going to have to move. Since it'll be uprooted I'll side by side my bedroom amp with the living room one.
In the meantime, my unscientific experience has been in my ugrades over time.
1. I upgraded within the Arcam line a few years ago, and heard a change. With the first amp, I had to roll of the treble, it was just too bright. When I went to the next model up, I suddenly had more bass, so the exaggerated highs were gone (same speakers, room...). This is something my roomate and I heard. I eventually added a power amp for bi-amping, but didn't hear much difference.
2. I moved over to a McIntosh integrated. This change was much less subtle. It sounded like a 3D button was pressed with the new amp. The soundstage just widened right out (front and back). There was much more detail, and even more bass (in a positive way). I had very low expectations for this upgrade, the Mac amp is used and older than the Arcam gear - I had no idea what to expect. I attribute it to the better designed Mac. The background is dead silent, which I would suspect helps in some way (detail, ambience...).
Keep in mind, for fun I've spent some money

on IC's and Speaker cables and didn't really hear much, if any difference. My final cable choices are simple, inexpensive Canare cables from Markertek (I just found out, the same stuff the McIntosh guys used in the latest McIntosh presentation at the big HT show in LA recently). I read cable reviews and find a lot of it hard to believe, so I'm pretty skeptical. I'm looking to upgrade my amp, so I recently A/B'd a new McIntosh MA 6500 to a Krell KAV-400xi. It was a very quick demo. I just stopped by the store on my way home, and didn't have any of my own music with me. I heard no difference - I'm going to go back with some of my own tunes, but if I still can't tell, than I'm going to assume that my old Mac will sound the same as the new ones.
I hope to hook up the bedroom amp soon for the real test!