Relax your brain and enjoy.
I have too much free time so I was thinking about upgrading my TV speakers to towers.
I like the SS-CS5s so much in my study that I was thinking maybe I should just buy some SS-CS3s.
As an experiment, I tried replacing my Ascend CBM-170s with my SS-CS5s.
- Holy bass! The SS-CS5s deliver much more bass even though they're much smaller speakers with smaller drivers. Very impressive. Made me wonder if I need towers at all or I should just get another pair of the Sonys. This isn't just perceived bass either: I did a frequency sweep and at my normal TV-watching levels, with my room's geometry, the Sonys were playing strong into the 40s and were audible in the 30s. The Ascends become all but inaudible in the 40s. (Not really sure why there's this big of a difference, since the Sonys are rated to 53Hz and the Ascends are rated to 58Hz, not a huge difference, and plus Ascend lists the "typical in-room response" as going down to 53Hz...)
- The SS-CS5s don't sound boxy, which was a problem with the HVL-1s. They don't fill the entire room with sound as well as the Ascends but they don't sound boxy.
- The SS-CS5s produce clear dialog at all times, which was another problem with the HVL-1s. I kept feeling like I had to turn up the volume on the HVL-1s to make out the dialog better, no such problem with the SS-CS5s.
- The imaging with the SS-CS5s was pretty good but still a little wobbly. I have a challenging setup where I'm usually laying down on my couch to watch TV/movies, with my head directly on-axis with one speaker and pretty far off-axis to the other. The Ascends have no problem with this but with the Sonys, it sometimes seemed like dialog was coming from odd places
around the TV, and not directly from the TV. It's probably a bit unfair to fault the speakers for my stupid listening position.
- There's something about the Ascends that makes certain sound effects sound stupidly realistic, especially doors closing, like car doors. It's eerie. The SS-CS5 are fine but don't produce this level of realism.
- A couple voices seemed challenging for the SS-CS5s. Most peoples' voices were similar between the Ascends and the SS-CS5s, but I watched a movie with Tommy Lee Jones in it and his voice sounded unrealistic with the Sonys. Hard to describe but if I _had_ to pick a word, it would be "crunchy."
- I thought I had convinced myself that any perceived sibilance from the SS-CS5s was all in my head but when I watched an entire movie with them, the sibilance was back immediately and in full force. I love these speakers for music but I just can't deal with them for TV, movies, podcasts, etc. It's hard for me to understand how this doesn't bother anybody else. I can't explain what might be causing this effect. I suppose maybe the slight frequency response dip around ~3KHz causes the small hump from 4k to 6k to sound relatively bigger?? This really is a deal-breaker for me in terms of HT use, which makes me sad. If other people don't notice it then I don't know what's wrong with my ears...