Amazes me how black and white this whole conservative vs. progressive bs has become, while an entire logical, 'right-is-right/wrong-is-wrong' portion of the population just has no other choice other than to let these two groups screw everything up for pretty much everyone else.
I haven't seen any MAGA people here pushing any anti-trans agenda, injecting it into threads or anywhere else, so why did we have to go looking for them? So what will this discussion turn into? Pretty much like every politically biased issue posted everywhere, which is, a multi-page circle-jerk of a one-sided collective trying to say the same thing, but differently, and nobody's mind will be changed, or even enlightened, for that matter.
Transgender males in women's sports is pretty pathetic, but I could care less about trans people otherwise because it's not my problem. I'm in no position to speak for, or against. I've evolved with these issues since the '70s and have gay relatives and friends that I love dearly. The thing I got used to is that these people I know are very good at being gay, without it being the core of their social identity. So much so, that it never occurs to me anymore what they are, or aren't. Same with my black friends. I have to really stop and think about what color they are if the issue ever comes up and it's difficult to see them as anything but a friend.
The real issue is, the shock value of pretty much everything taboo has been worn off, and unfortunately for the trans people, the gay, feminist and civil rights movements have used it all up and there's no attention left for them. So now to get their due share of attention, they have to start rubbing it in the faces of anyone who might react unfavorably. I'm not going for it. I really don't have the time of day, or interest to give to any of them.
Just surprises me that people that I tend to think as otherwise intelligent, are so personally conflicted over the social setup that trend politics is, or how predictably programmed they have become in which to label so many people just for daring to have alternate views, or even questions for that matter.
I'm neither MAGA, or any other brand of politics outright. I've followed both parties and lived through multiple chances given to both sides and the results have been pretty disappointing across the board. The idea that any intelligent person with even a modicum of street smarts, or that has gotten to town at all can follow either in which to base their social reputation on, is the most perplexing of all.
Fk the neocons, and fk the progressives. They both suck.