Small but loud JBL home cinema

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Hi-Fi ve

Junior Audioholic
Dolby CP-200 said:
how do you like to feel the James Horner score from Star Trek III pounding you in the chest has the U.S.S. Enterprise makes her way out of the space dock. Well that’s what it was like at the Empire 18 years ago.

And besides I have heard all the home cinema demonstration rooms around my home town with thousands of wasteful pounds and it doesn’t even come half as close to what the Empire can do!
Dolby, it seems that louder automatically means better sound to you and nothing else. :confused: You even named this thread “Small but loud…” You should study other aspects as well because they are important such as smoothness, distortion level and tonality just to name a few.

Those JBL theater subwoofers are made to produce down to around 30Hz but at high SPL. Some may extend down to 22Hz but at -10 db. You keep talking about chest pounding, you haven’t experienced subsonic performance of some of the subs including custom build type out there, have you.


You know CP, some speaker stands may help clear up the clutter a bit.

Dolby CP-200

Hi-Fi ve said:
Dolby, it seems that louder automatically means better sound to you and nothing else. :confused: You even named this thread “Small but loud…” You should study other aspects as well because they are important such as smoothness, distortion level and tonality just to name a few.

Those JBL theater subwoofers are made to produce down to around 30Hz but at high SPL. Some may extend down to 22Hz but at -10 db. You keep talking about chest pounding, you haven’t experienced subsonic performance of some of the subs including custom build type out there, have you.
It does just that otherwise I would I both with it, in the 8 years that I’ve been using it no problems with it none what so ever I wouldn’t hear about it.

Dolby CP-200

HAL9000 said:
You know CP, some speaker stands may help clear up the clutter a bit.
Sorry I won’t touch speaker stands with a ten foot barge pole. I have plans to build a platform to extend the entire width of the front roughly 43 ½ “off from the floor. That’s the way it’s done with a few special treats like a vertical wall for the loudspeakers.

Dolby CP-200


Just sat down to 2 hours 25 minutes of cinema classic West Side Story is set against the backdrop of New York Jets VS Sharks Romeo & Juliet love story with tragic concurrencies.

Soundtrack was loud and clear on this first edition region 2 DVD from the whistling sound of the Jets coming from the surround array made me look all around with dialogue panning around the three-screen and some great songs with heavy kicking precision that plays with punch sub bass extension and LFE.1 added depth that was reaching up to 110dbc.

Picture was clear and very colourful with little or no artefacts that distracted me from the film perfect.

Sound 10/10
Picture 10/10

Hi-Fi ve

Junior Audioholic
Dolby CP-200 said:
It does just that otherwise I would I both with it, in the 8 years that I’ve been using it no problems with it none what so ever I wouldn’t hear about it.

You lost me there. You mean your subwoofer does below 20Hz? If so, at what SPL?

Dolby CP-200

She’s been up to 115dbc down @ 25Hz with X-Men III.
And that's just on the LFE.1 well you knowhow I have set-up...

...Anyway time for another THX JBL presentation I’ll be engrossed with The Sentinel for 1hour and 40 minutes. Catch you in Jiffy.


Audioholic Spartan
Dolby CP-200 said:
...Anyway time for another THX JBL presentation I’ll be engrossed with The Sentinel for 1hour and 40 minutes. Catch you in Jiffy.
The Sentinel being the movie with the blind priest sitting in the window guarding the gates of h!ll? That movie is freaky.

Hi-Fi ve

Junior Audioholic
Dolby CP-200 said:
She’s been up to 115dbc down @ 25Hz with X-Men III. And that's just on the LFE.1 well you knowhow I have set-up...
What I meant by “subsonic” is below 20Hz.

Dolby CP-200


Just rented “The Sentinel” there’s a mole inside the (Secret Service) but who is it?

The films look was cross between In the Line of Fire and 24 that’s my way of putting and I liked it great escapism for 1hour 43minites.

Sharpness and detail of picture was uninterrupted in the scope format colours where rich and textured blacks showed up bold and solid in the darker moments.

Sound was punchy enough thou it wasn’t the type of bass that I had experienced on Poseidon last year with levels reaching as high as 120dbc The Sentinel was a different Dolby mix with some exceptional good surround moments that worked well with centre back with voice panning during the polygraph test and voices over the radios.

LFE.1 was used sparingly it bass was mostly extended via sub bass extension that was deep where gunshots could be felt when impacting into objects.

Overall I thoroughly enjoined throughout.

Film 8/10
Picture 10/10
Sound 10/10

Oh you don't have to worry abou my home cinema it will go down low enough for most die hard fans trust me.


Audioholic Overlord
The president's helicopter blowing up when hit with the missile, awesome.:D

Poseidon was a very good surround movie, loved it. That would have been nice to see at the Empire.:D

Dolby CP-200


The missile hit at -3db on the fader that was level I was running The Sentinel tonight I was running Poseidon at 0db I could have tuned The Sentinel up to 0db I’ll give it a third showing tomorrow before taking it back at 8pm tomorrow.

Yes I guess you figured it I’m running for second showing right at this very moment.

“Hay who’s shooting at us.”
(Lucky Larry) Poseidon


Audioholic Overlord
HAL9000 said:
Dolby I thought this movie had better bass (especially the tent scene) for some reason the lead character looks familiar. ;)
You can stop anytime now.

It occurs to me that you have no life. Why not offer some useful advice, instead of posting crap.


I'm sorry Seth, i didn't realize that you were such a fan of Dolby, Tell you what you PM me your picture and I'll make sure to make you the Jake Gyllenhal character. Mmmmmmkay. :D

You know most people should be able to laugh at themselves without getting their panties in a wad. I din't realize that you and Dolby had a special kind of bond that you feel the need to have his back (um pun not intended of course). But why not let ol Ash defend himself. besides if you only knew half the stuff he posts on the other sites calling members the foulest of names , you may not be so quick to defend him. Just a heads up (or down in your case).


Audioholic Warlord
HAL9000 said:
Dolby I thought this movie had better bass (especially the tent scene) for some reason the lead character looks familiar. ;)
LMAO :eek:

Happy Birthday Ashley
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Audioholic Overlord
OK, Hal. Lets get something straight. You joined this forum and went straight to heckling a member, without taking a break! You have yet to make any contribution that is helpful to anyone. I am sure that Ashley would like to defend himself, but according to him he has better things to do with his time. He will likely wait patiently untill you stop being foolish.

This forum is a learning center, were members converse about topics related to audio and video. This is not a roast site. If Ashley made a mistake on a forum elsewhere there is no reason to bring it here. You are no better than he is.


Audioholic Overlord
HAL9000 said:
But if you want to take this to PM , the ball is in your court, Twinkle Toes.
PM sent. Nice edit, what was the point in that?
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