A couple of thoughts.....
You know that the bad guys will be armed. Are you more bothered by "potential", speculated accidents if the good guys are also armed ("presence of armed civilians") in order to protect themselves and others?
Just think of all the public gathering places in the country, 24/7/365. That is millions upon millions. So, the number of firearms required to be present in those places so that there are reasonable odds that an armed civlian would be present when somebody like Holmes comes along....well, that's a lot! My concern is that there would be
so many out there that the odds of being shot by accident outway the odds of being shot by someone like Holmes!
Would you be more comfortable if gun and defense-specific training were mandatory for gun ownership? I wouldn't be opposed to that.
At least for handgun owners. I mean, you have to prove your ability to properly drive a car before your issued a licence for that. Even then, I'm not sure about carrying them around in public. Accidental discharges & mistaken shootings occur in the military and police. The possibility of thousands (millions?) of armed "amateurs"* on the streets is
not comforting.
*My use of the word "amateur" is not meant to imply that civilian gun-owners are, by definition, not competent with the use of a firearm. It's just to distinguish them from people who are paid to carry them.
Lastly, I know a quick way to keep a couple thousand semi-auto ("assault" ) rifles from being exported from the U.S. But it involves no future idiotic ("anti-gun" motivated) plans from our POTUS and the Attorney General.
Sorry, but I have no idea what you mean.
Just curious...in what country do you live, G-N?

Just look at my location.
We can buy handguns here, but the restrictions are pretty onerous. IIRC, you can only take it out of your house to go to a range and back. That's it. Don't even
think about stopping for gas and milk on the way. In the house, it has to be locked up in a secure gun cabinet, with a trigger lock installed and the ammunition locked up separately. To make it a viable method of defense would require a
lot of practice in getting it out and loaded.