Hi 2channel. Thanks for your input!
I was in different places and thus not able to direct compare most of these. I suspect the ML Motion 40s suffered a little bit of the same fate as the B&Ws did, which was poor amplification. The Motion 40, was better than the B&W, but I suspect that shouldn't be the case. I was given the opportunity to hear the same B&Ws elswhere, but the model was above my budget for towers anyway. I will listen at some point when I know I can get a good demo.

The Motion 60XTs were properly set up and I fully enjoyed the experience. As best I can compare from day two with the Silver 300s and 500s, I could buy either MA's and be happy, I think. Compared back to the 60XT, the 300s for a grand less sounded delightful. Bass was full and had very good pacing, and the high end wasn't sharp or dominating in any way. The mids to my hi-fi-noob ears were solid and nothing stood out to me as a nuisance or distraction. The 500s did everything a little bit better. They do carry a Gold and Plat model, too, and if I go back for a second round, I will ask to compare just so I can hear the difference.
I'm intrigued by the Revel lineup, but the Concerta2 is more at my budget... I can say only so often, "what's another $500?

Well, I did that for the Silver 500s, and then again for the 60XTs. Ha! There's only 1 other speaker I might spend over 3k for the pair, and until I hear them in a couple weeks, they're just a fantasy.
There is a place I might get to hear the Golden Ears at, though I'm not certain which models they might carry. Many people have brought them up, saying good things.
Which comes back to Salk. I get it. But I'll need to grow into it, I think. If I have a good year, maybe in 18mos.

I could see them and some BMRs and Mini-Phils all arranged around me.