Why are you insulting me for no reason?? And why I cannot come here to express a private opinion??
I suggest you and your William fiend take some time off internet, and may be visit a shrink or something.
Because you are being completely asinine about your complaint. The only people that would think this is a poor performing Subwoofer is the marketing team at REL!
It's one thing if you just decide its not for you and return it.
End of story.
However, you are here complaining repeatedly about a true non issue and acting like you can feel a pea placed under your mattress.
Cool, if this is what you believe, but if you couldn't catch on... the short version is that your complaint doesn't hold water with most of us. The measurements of GD for this Sub are not alarming in any way. Any ported Sub is going to have a rise in GD as Frequency drops. The real question is, then, by how much, and what is considered good enough for your needs.
If you are looking for infrasonic output, you have to deal with this, or you have to deal with the Power required, along with DSP programming, to make a Sealed Sub go that low with any authority.
Until you support your argument and show us why we, and a great many others, are apparently wrong, you will likely continue to feel insulted. As Will said, nobody has insulted you, either. We do expect you to buck up and prove why the ever so slight GD rise measured in this sub is so unacceptable.
You haven't done that. You are still here commenting about how bad this Sub is.