Rock and Metal Headz Thread

Rob Babcock

Rob Babcock

On the subject of metal, The Codex is friggin' amazing!
It's ex-Yngwie singer Mark Boals and the Starbreaker guitarist. Absolutely top notch meodic/prog metal; probably the best metal album I've heard since TNT's My Religion.

If you're at all into metal, this one's a can't miss!


Audioholic Chief
I listened to August Burns Red's album, "Messengers," and I must say, I love it! Some other recently listened to bands:
Then try the album "Thrill Seeker" from the same band


Audioholic Samurai

Did you see my Protest The Hero link? I would give them a shot, considering what you listen to now, they would probably fit in.

I did, good stuff - It made me recall the fact that I actually had some of their stuff on my hard drive, so I had to go home and dig it up again. I must have downloaded it at some point. Once in a while I'll go on a download rampage, not unlike a dopefiend falling into a heroin binge, and I'll download just about anything in sight that looks good. Unfortunately some good bands kind of get lost in the shuffle. :)


Junior Audioholic
Gotta love the Protest the Hero, really amazing considering they made their first album while being Seniors in High School.

I'm going to Progressive Nation 08' which should be awesome, Dream Theater, Between the Buried and Me, Opeth and 3. 3 isn't really metal, its more just progressive rock, but its still got a good groove to it.

I've been enjoying Nightwish, anything Prog Metal (Alot of Opeth and Between the Buried and Me lately, which is why I'm pumped for the concert), In Flames, At the Gates and just a touch of August Burns Red (Im a drummer and I definitely appreciate the awesome breakdowns)

I also really enjoy the band I Am Ghost. They are some strange blend of Pipe Organs, Hardcore (the style), Metal, Violins and Gregorian Chant. Very interesting. :rolleyes:


Junior Audioholic
He most definitely does make use of that China :p

And I do like Epica :D


Audioholic Chief
In Flames - Like You Better Dead

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Junior Audioholic
Don't listen to a lot of metal more of a hardcore guy, but they fit into this thread more than any others.

American Nightmare
Horror Show
Gorilla Biscuits
Minor Threat
Articles of Faith
Cold World
Have Heart
Hammer Bros
Down To Nothing
Trash Talk
Guns Up
Let Down

thats probably enough lol...pretty much most bands off Bridge 9, Deathwish ect...

*vids will bad sound fun shows*

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Junior Audioholic
some reason I can't edit my post, but seriously...seriously how can you recommend Some Girls Above AN or even XO Skeletons....really...


Audioholic Ninja
I guess I am the only one here that doesn't like protest the hero. I just can't get into them. Not a big fan of Opeth either. I do however like Clutch:).
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Audioholic Samurai
some reason I can't edit my post, but seriously...seriously how can you recommend Some Girls Above AN or even XO Skeletons....really...
Come again? I'm assuming this was directed at my post, I didn't see anyone else mention Some Girls. Halvie, looks like you have some good taste in hardcore/punk, a good bit of old school stuff to boot. I was tossing names of bands out there randomly, and wasn't recommending any one band over another, not to mention the hundreds that I didn't mention. But since you brought them up, Some Girls is an amazing band, especially to see them live.


Junior Audioholic
I am not suggesting that they suck or aren't good. I consider both AN and SG Eisold bands, and in doing so was just shocked that someone with a seemingly good background in hc (judge) would suggest SG before they would AN. Plus I guess I haven't really been into much they have done since they left deathwish a couple years ago..stuff on 31g is irritating to me for some reason.

edit: following minus's lead and posting some record labels.
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Audioholic Samurai
I am not suggesting that they suck or aren't good. I consider both AN and SG Eisold bands, and in doing so was just shocked that someone with a seemingly good background in hc (judge) would suggest SG before they would AN. Plus I guess I haven't really been into much they have done since they left deathwish a couple years ago..stuff on 31g is irritating to me for some reason.

edit: following minus's lead and posting some record labels.
Yep - no harm no foul. The thing with me though as I have gotten older I embrace a lot of different styles, and though I really cut my teeth on early HC, mostly NY and Boston hardcore, these days I seek out the things that truly stand out from the pack. Early DEP for example, Converge is still one of my all-time favorites (and I agree with you whole-heartedly on most Deathwish releases), Coalesce, Botch, Architect (heavy as all hell!), Old Man Gloom, Hope and Suicide (Central FL band up and coming - former members of Bloodlet, some of my old pals) and several others. Not to disappoint you, but my life doesn't totally revolve around the HC scene like it did when I was in my teens and early twenties, but I do have a profound appreciation of where I came from, I Just don't have a lot of use for the old-style fast beat sing along hardcore that in my opinion has been done a thousand times over too many. But hey, that's probably just my age talking. ;) I still avoid mainstream like the plague for the most part (probably largely thanks to my HC, DIY mentality growing up), and seek out the underground stuff to find the gems in the pile of stinking refuse that is most popular music these days. There is a lot of great stuff out there in just about every genre imaginable.


Junior Audioholic
Must be the age cause I don't see a point where the sing alongs won't do it for me ;) Didn't mean to come off as a **** if I did.

Personally I think Converge's best stuff was pre Jane Doe, but they are always good live. Last time I saw them was a while back with hatebreed...was the craziest thing I have ever seen...seriously could spot teeth flying through the air.

Life also doesn't revolve around the there really isn't one, or one I want to take part in, in WI. Last show I went to here was the last AN tour. Went to the show in IL a couple weeks before and there must have been close to a 800 kids there...less than 20 in WI.

New Lows preorders up :)


Audioholic Samurai
Personally I think Converge's best stuff was pre Jane Doe...
That's certainly worthy of debate. :D I think the jury is split on this one, a lot of their later stuff brought in a different crowd that wasn't as much a part of the traditional hooded sweatshirt backpack HC scene. Might have caused more than a bit of conflict at some of the shows I've been to, but nevertheless.

Actually I will say that their absolute best work is from the Poacher Diaries. Something about those songs... holy cow, talk about a band on top of their game. Peitioning the Empty Sky - yeah, a lot of people want to rally around that for some reason, some great songs there don't get me wrong but a far cry from developing what makes them unique today.

'Nuff said - I actually downloaded the latest Guns Up! album, along with Paint It Black. I'm digging it - good stuff. :)


Audioholic Chief
If you're a fan of Disturbed, check out their new album Indestructible; definitely better than "Ten thousand fists". I feel they got some of their beat back with the new style. I'd still like to hear some of their old style stuff aka Stupify and Down With The Sickness. Anyways... Bought the album 1 week ago and it's been playing in my car since. Good SQ btw.

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If you're a fan of Disturbed, check out their new album Indestructible; definitely better than "Ten thousand fists". I feel they got some of their beat back with the new style. I'd still like to hear some of their old style stuff aka Stupify and Down With The Sickness. Anyways... Bought the album 1 week ago and it's been playing in my car since. Good SQ btw.

really been diggin it', thanks. btw, I really liked 10k fists, a lot better than believe IMO.
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