Thanks Gene, I read both. It is specificly mentioned in the yamaha review
that the yamaha would be great a pre/pro but not in the Denon review.
That is probably b/c I am currently using an RX-V2600 as a pre/pro in one of my reference systems and Clint heard me raving about it and made mention of it in his review. I am quite confident the 4306 would serve equally well as a pre/pro function, especially since Denon has done some of the finest DAC implementations in receivers I have seen to date.
I probably won't be using the amps of either one and the Denon is certainly
more feature rich...
I was ready to pull the trigger on an Anthem AVM 40 when I saw the
Denon AVR-4306 review on your site. Do you think the AVM 40 would
sound any better than the 4306 with my speaker / amp set up?
Though the AVM40 appears to be a nice processor, it is doubtful that it would have any sonic advantages in the preamp or DAC stage over either of the receivers. They appeared to really load this processor with the latest in HDMI compatability, but it doesn't do all of the video processing/scaling options of the 4306 or 2600, nor does it do DTS 96/24. Whether or not those featured are important to you is your call.
On the flip side getting a dedicated processor over using a receiver as a pre/pro certainly gives you more audiophile clout and usually yields a more impressive appearance to your system. It can also cut down on heat dissipation (many quaility receivers run hot even when their amps are at idle such as the 2600). Though looking at your equipment list you already have 2 good receivers so why are you adding another to the mix?
Personally, if I had $3500 to spend and already had great amplification such as you have, I would purchase the cheapest quality receiver such as the 2600 and use it as a pre/pro and put the $2k or so I saved into adding an additional subwoofer or addressing my room acoustics. You will achieve far more profound sonic improvements here than you would by dumping more money on "high end" gear.
We always tell people if you are spending more than $5k on electronics without first addressing your room and speaker system integration, you are throwing away hard earned dollars.
At this point, I would prefer if this thread is used to answer specific product questions about the 4306 to support our review as opposed to comparing it to other products.