Really Boring Stuff Only

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Audioholic Jedi
Glad that you made it back to us, Strube!

Another reason that I stay in my house - less chance of encountering a mob. :D


Audioholic Slumlord
No Robert Johnson yet. I have not heard of him but now I know to look. What did you pass out from exactly? That does not sound good.


Audioholic Slumlord
Get the original R. Johnson also...You have a job now!:)
Only for so long as I can throw sheets up like it was my life's passion and right now this shoulder may be somewhat problematic. I've got it on ice, ibuprofen and prayer. I'm wanting Phil's 663 but won't pull the trigger because of the instability of the work situation in general. Used vinyl is pretty cheap and most of it sounds pretty good like this: Rocks, 1964-1971

Clean copy with good bass for $7 worth of drywall work. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Spartan
Only for so long as I can throw sheets up like it was my life's passion and right now this shoulder may be somewhat problematic. I've got it on ice, ibuprofen and prayer. I'm wanting Phil's 663 but won't pull the trigger because of the instability of the work situation in general. Used vinyl is pretty cheap and most of it sounds pretty good like this: Rocks, 1964-1971

Clean copy with good bass for $7 worth of drywall work. :rolleyes:
I was just joking.:) I often wonder how many of us (AH) would still be so into music or movies if all we had was an old record player and a 20" CRT TV?:)


Audioholic Jedi
I went to the grocery store and picked up some healthy (well, healthier) food this time. I pan seared a tuna steak about an hour ago. A bit raw in the middle for my tastes, but the pooch wasn't complaining. I followed that up with some ice cream. :D It was Breyers all natural, though, so not too bad.

Now I need to decide between some fruit or a ham sandwich. I'm too full for the sandwich, but I can wait a little while...


Audioholic Field Marshall
No Robert Johnson yet. I have not heard of him but now I know to look. What did you pass out from exactly? That does not sound good.
Basically lack of oxygen - I was crushed by tons of people to the point that I couldn't expand my weak little enginerd lungs. Another factor may have also been a bit of dehydration and lack of food - I was in the same place all day surrounded by stinky people with nowhere to go and so basically I had a few drinks of water and a granola bar which probably were not sufficient to sustain me properly.

I learned a valuable lesson though (and confirmed my suspicions) that I am not fit for that sort of experience. I am thinking I could have handled it had the fans been, for example, Bob Marley fans instead :D.

I am okay, just a bit sore. I am glad I got out of there though. Thanks for the concern, I do appreciate it! :)


Audioholic Spartan
Strube, that sucks. You got lucky though because that's a dangerous situation. I try to avoid crowds. I don't go anywhere that the name of the event ends in -fest, -orama or -athon. I'm glad you came out of it alright.


Audioholic Slumlord
I often wonder how many of us (AH) would still be so into music or movies if all we had was an old record player and a 20" CRT TV?:)
For Blues and porn that's all it takes. I've heard more music in 2 months on this 2 channel system in the spare room than I have in 2 years in the living room with 5.2 DVD-A and SACD.

... all day surrounded by stinky people ...
That right there may have done you in. :p You take care of yourself little fella, we'd hate to loose ya. :D Glad to see you're okay. :)

Oh yeah, I meant to post this. How sad.

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Audioholic Jedi
Stations here broadcast a lot of stuff in 4:3. Even some widescreen programming comes in as 4:3 with bars on the top and bottom. Maybe I have a setting wrong, but I think it's just the way that they are broadcasting.


Audioholic Samurai
Shopping for some new toys.

In a few months you guys will be vveerrryyy proud of me. :)


Audioholic Samurai
You'll have to share the pictures.

Oh, man, I hope that you're buying home theater gear. Otherwise, I'll probably need to burn out my eyes.
I will. No burning will be required... well, not burning your eyes anyways...:D


Audioholic Field Marshall
Strube, that sucks. You got lucky though because that's a dangerous situation. I try to avoid crowds. I don't go anywhere that the name of the event ends in -fest, -orama or -athon. I'm glad you came out of it alright.
That right there may have done you in. :p You take care of yourself little fella, we'd hate to loose ya. :D Glad to see you're okay. :)

Thanks Dave and Alex :). Yeah I am pretty sure I am done with those. When I was younger I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to see a rock show from front and center, usually requiring waiting 8 or more hours of waiting outside a venue, but I never went to one with near as many people smashing up against each other, plus I was able to eat and stuff right before the show because we could actually come and go with someone holding our spot in line, but that just can't happen at the festival kind of deal. I really do love the experience of being directly in front of some people who are far more talented than I, playing music that I love, but I am going to keep those kind of experiences reserved to non "fest" type activities henceforth, and I will probably choose reserved seating for bands that have a tendency to have more unruly/scary fans.
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Audioholic Jedi
I think that today might have been the first time that I saw Lost in high def. There was an episode on this afternoon, and I'm watching another one now. A bit of a change from the 27" CRT. :)


I am watching Eagle Eye...............boring much so that I am changing the channel


Audioholic Samurai
I love that movie (Chronicles of Riddick).

Well, here we are again, Monday morning in the cube farm. How my soul rejoices!
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